1. Arkansas did not legalize it in 2022 because, they would not allow home grow & they was not going to release any prisoners of a cannabis crime. Yes Arkansas Wants It Legal But We Want Home Grow & Free Cannabis Prisoners. For The Love Of God.

  2. Cracks me up the dispensaries up north are crying about sales falling drastically since MO passed recreational. To bad. Don't have crazy prices. To put it in context. The exact same 2g vape cart in MO, or OK costs $25. Here in Arkansas… $130-$195 (Custom Cannabis charges $130, S443 charges $195 but has them on "sale" for $130 ATM). Also love how the owner of Green Springs went to a Medical Marijuana board hearing in Little Rock just to object to the last disp license (#40, it's capped by state law for now, OK has 2,884 dispensaries) going to a new disp in Hot Springs. Saying that Hot Springs has enough choice and competition lol. I'd imagine it's easy to feel that way when you OWN one of TWO dispensaries in the town. How terrified of competition do you have to be… wow.

  3. I know many people who use it and voted against legalization because of the details of the legalization paperwork, that it would favor giants from out of state rather than keeping the business local.

  4. All that money going to Baptist Health, the most profitable hospital in the state, when that money could go towards re-opening some of those 30-odd rural hospitals that have been closed in the last 20 years denying people local treatment. It always amazes me where this tax money really goes, and who it really helps.

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