1. Poloncarz is a joke and needs to go he's done nothing for erie county residents!!!! Erie county residents deserve better period!!! People die in storms Poloncarz what an idiotic statement to make dudes shameful

  2. She was AWESOME and very direct and impressive. Poloncarz was an excuse making pile of crap using hyperbolic language lie weapons of mass destruction LOL like hes George W Bush- We should have armed guards for our most vulnerable children taking away one kind of weapon will not prevent a shooting but guards can! Poloncarz walks around with armed security but doesn't want that for our schools or kids? BUH BYE we had 12 years and after covid lockdowns with petty fines and petty shut downs and school closings, lack or preparation for the blizzard and excuse making USING the buffalo shooting for not doing a good job these last two years is a load of crap. Voting for her! IT WASNT COVID THAT PUT EVERYTHING ON PAUSE IT WAS YOUR INABILITY MR POLONCARZ TO DO YOUR JOB BC OF THE STUPID NONSENSICAL CHOICES YOU MADE IN RESPONSE TO COVID THAT LOCKED EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE DOWN

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