Neuroscientist: "If your Ring Finger is LONGER than your Index Finger, then…" w/ Andrew Huberman

What does finger length reveal?! βœ“ Motivational Clothing Brand. βœ“SELF-HYPNOSIS AUDIO …


  1. Bottom line is that almost ALWAYS, (there are exceptions to every rule), MEN have longer ring fingers versus index fingers, whereas WOMEN have longer index fingers or both fingers are equal in size. This is a way to determine trangendered MTF's from REAL women. However these MTF's can now purchase realistic, prosthetic ring finger extensions online. This is quite common in Hollywood where they often use men to portray females in movies and TV shows roles.

  2. Phrenology? Of the hand? And then they skip to writing which has no correlation to the length of your fingers at all? I don't know who put this together, but it doesn't seem very scientific.

  3. This is INDIAN Ancient Palmestry knowledge we have been using at least 7000 years or more and now West using Hindu Vedic knowledge in the name of Quantum Theory /Knowledge πŸ™‚

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