1. There are so many who have discovered its wondorus benefits, and how it compliments our hecttic , disabled or aging lives . There needs to be a march right up to the doors of congress and the senate Why is this so difficult to accomplish in this day and age ? Its a day or two out of eveyones life , this issues can be immediatley addressed. This plant is healing our veterans , our children, our disabled ,our aged – with wide ranges of phyiscal and mental disabilites, that solid science now proves without question. If you worked and were paid indirectly through favors, as is how greedy entrenched senators and congress people , who trample over "we the peoples " directives ,to only serve the Pharmaceutical , Alcohol or Prison Industrial complex , you are not going to do a fucking thing unless "We the people "are. right in your disjointed faces. Dick around and "Vote" for change or just change now . Two days to end decades of injustice , to give this natrual life giving plant its undeniable place on high. .

  2. I tried having my brain doctor do an MRI of my brain to compare to my wreck to prove that THC is restoring my ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM. He refused telling me that BIG PHARMA will destroy any doctor that proves this, he told me there is no more he can do for me.


    Me creating 'gold' got me kicked out of the only gold shop in town. So I am telling you to ADVANCE HUMANITY.

    Wrecked on 08-30-2008.

    I was returned from 'death' because I am a dedicated WARRIOR 4 CHRIST;

    BLACK ELK had a daughter that married a 'white' man named JINKS. Because he was 'white' the TRIBE disowned her. I am BLACK ELKS great great grandson.


    The HOLY SPIRIT told me that explaining about atoms will help restore my brain.

    Boiling water proves that heat excites molecules that allows atoms to boil and escape. All things in life are made of ATOMS that bond into MOLECULES that creates matter. It is a matter of understanding the stages that 'heat' will do to ATOMS.

    It was not a question of believing my meditation but 'understanding' it. That is why I did what MOSES had them do in the BIBLE. I 'drank' MONATOMIC GOLD.

    My grandfather was a certified genius with 156 IQ that ran the PANAMA CANAL ZONE for the military until 1958 and can be looked up. ( Co. George W. Bland Sr.). My IQ was 148 when was 17.

    I wrecked my Harley giving me a 5.5 TBI that THC is restoring.

    I figured if THC is restoring my brain injury the way I say it is and if I am as smart as the IQ test says then I should be able to figure out how GOLD formed to 'prove' healing.

    I DID ! But they CYBER ATTACK ME !

    Government kills, GOD 'heals'.


    Because I was not believed I did a SPIRITUAL MEDITATION where I was shown how GOLD formed to show TRUTH.

    Copper melts at 1800F but the 'atoms' must be brought to a boil, that is at 3500F. There can't be any oxygen because will put pressure against atoms blocking escape. Melted BORAX will do this as long covering copper. In 100 hours 'shells' around ATOMS will SHATTER creating 50 more ATOMS making 79 atoms that is GOLD.

    Only GOD can return me from 'death'


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