Rheumatologist & Pain Management (CBD, Magnesium, Turmeric) | Aug 15, 2016

After seeing the rheumatologist, I have to get blood work to see if I have any inflammation or arthritis. If that is ruled out, then my …


  1. no understatement, the cbd supplements are pricey to damned. however, i researched about the net…according to my cost-benefit analysis it seems very worth the shelling out. i'm excited to try it!

  2. You have really beautiful eyes and such a relaxing voice. Is it weird to say that I kind of feel like I'm on the phone to you or something when I watch the videos on this channel? Maybe it's just because I'm not used to them being unscripted, but you really help me calm down and feel much more at ease. Thank you so much for sharing your videos, you're a wonderful person. ♥

  3. It is not legal where I am in Canada, but I have a government medical, medicinal card. I get 20.1 CBD oil. I can get the stuff that gets you really stoned but I'm not into that. My oil, I put 3 Mg s under my tongue, it really helps my pain and to sleep. Here with shipping it is $135.00 per month, but it's worth it for me. All I needed to do is have my Dr fill out my papers and I got a card. They offer a lot of different things, like pot, oils, etc. Pot is supposed to be legal here next yr, so we will see what happens then lol. CBD oil helps small children with seizures, and people with cancer, Fibro etc. It does work, plus there of dispensaries, every where. I did get customer cards from them also as they have more variety of things to try. I am glad it is helping you Ella💕That CBD oil comes in many strengths. I am glad to see you back. Good luck with all your channels😎

  4. Elle, either way, I hope you will get very effective pain relief. My sister's in law's sister has Fibromyalgia and I actually hope it's NOT that compared to arthritis. That is based on knowing people with both. I think you might have mentioned the Indian root powder, Ashwagandha but if not..Amazon.com has the organic kind for like $18-$19. They help with several things including reducing inflammation. Also helps calms you and helps your mood a bit. It helps you sleep as well. I recommend it! ❤️❤️😊👍🏽

  5. I have been using cannabis treatments for about 6 years no and it changed my life completely around for the better. I have a brittle bone disorder and have had Way over 100 fractures/breaks in my 48 years of life. I was on pain killers that screwed me up every way you can imagine. Not to mention the psychological effects that I was on OTHER meds as well. Natural is the best way to go. .

  6. I am SO glad that you tried CBD – I was wondering about the medical marijuana/oil route for pain relief as I know that it seems to be the best, most natural thing 😄 It's sad how expensive it seems to be though – When my mother's penpal from the USA was going through stomach cancer, he couldn't afford it, and I feel as though it wouldv'e greatly helped him near the end. I hope with more awareness the price becomes more reasonable. Please let us know how it continues to go. 😄

    Also, a room/house tour would be cool to see! 😄 xxx

  7. Fibromyalgia pain is meant to be worse than arthritis pain, so don't hope for that. I'd say it probably is. I have Fibro and it's destroyed my life. Shiatsu has been great for me. I see one of the top practitioners in the world.

  8. I have to take magnesium because Im a ballet dancer and if I wouldnt do that Id get the worst cramps and wouldnt be able to dance en pointe that well c:

  9. To be honest.   I truly want to be a follower of yours.  But at the same time I get the feeling you can't be truly honest with people around you, let alone people on youtube.  I truly want to believe that you are a 'true' person but at the same time all I get that the vibes from you is very Dishonest about who you truly are because you don't want to be honest with yourself as a Real Person and who you are truly are.

  10. Just an idea- but you should set up a patron online for your meds. I'd totally help! And I know many of your lovely, and loyal following would love and want to help. Just something to think about maybe. Heaps of youtubers/bloggers use this method for various reasons (some take advantage of it but you have a perfect case) but we know you're not like that xo

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