1. Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.

  2. Weed has already proven to be a good source of income for the states and has proven to be a far safer alternative to other drugs. At this point, people are just being stubborn and just want to prevent its legalization for their ill-conceived fears over the drug.

  3. The police officer the only reason they have a problem with they can't use that to oppress you, all the unlawful stop because those they say they smell then there you go we can't trust them look at all these cops 45 that's under review right now In there on Dept. ✝️☀️🙏🏿🤔 But God said he sitting high and watching Low they have come up with unjust 😢 laws 1:33

  4. Im not trying to defend someone driving under the influence but.. lets be real when is the last time youve seen, heard or you yourself been pulled over for being high on weed. It doesnt happen you know why? Theyre to damn paranoid to speed or possibly wreck.. cause theyre high lol.

    Besides if youre arguing a substance is a danger to public safety so it should be illegal.. then why is booze legal. I think even children know booze is far most dangerous than marijaunna. Silly argument.

  5. Senate passes the Re-legalization of cannabis! – Good work! Now wrap up the differences with the House bill quickly and get it to the governor's desk!


  7. Lol…they always throw out "safety" when they don't want to do something. You've had long enough to think about it, put it to a vote.

  8. Cannabis is not alcohol. The preponderance of the research shows cannabis consumption is not a significant cause of auto accidents. — In 2015, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), found that while drunken driving dramatically increased the risk of getting into an accident, there was no evidence that using cannabis heightened that risk.

  9. Can't wait to sell pot to kids early on using everyones argument it is a healthy thing. What is amazing is how important this seems to be to people. It shows where the USA priorities are these days…. people need a spend a bunch a money on a temporary high that will be gone soon enough along with all the money they spent on it. Makes me laugh.

  10. Don’t get it republicans want freedom when it comes to guns which I agree with but the my don’t want freedom for abortion and weed which I don’t agree with. This is supposed to be a free country, we need a party that represents freedom for all, not just what they want.

  11. Here we go again! More uneducated, self-entitled, politicians thinking they know whats best for you, and me! Has Senator Carla Nelson ever smoked cannabis, or even knows what its even about? Do any of them? Why do we have to take advice from people that have no experience? I don't recognize your narcissistic views! The same stigma, that's 60 years old, or better. Marijuana is not the same as cocaine, or heroine, or even alcohol! I wish they would stop classifying it in the same categories as hard drugs or alcohol.

  12. This is so funny.. look how much they try to control the world.. they really don't have to worry about it because these people are making there own drugs that kills and their more worrying about something they can't control drugs are made by man .. man can't make the plant the earth does for this is the reason they want let the world have it because people might just get along with everyone because when you're drinking something man made you can't control it so many car crash because of this many people have died from driving while drinking alcohol It's unreal but you don't hear them talking about that or not to sale anymore alcohol do you..why. Well they making money from it… like everything else but they are about to find out who is in charge the time is up…

  13. Public safety concerns…. Yeah, I will take that seriously when we have gun reform. Republicans are really something. They are immune to hypocrisy. They are the turd in the punch bowel at the party.

  14. The rich ask themselves…
    Can they get richer?…
    Or are they too stupid to let go of primitive hangups over someone elses personal freedom?…
    Tonight at 9

  15. If you’re only objection to passing recreational marijuana is that “people will drive high” and “underage people will use it” then you’re just showing your bias. Drunk drivers kill thousands of innocent people every year and just about every high school and college party has alcohol being consumed be people under the age, some even end up driving. I know a ton of people that drive high and they are significantly more cautious high than they are sober. Why this is even up for debate when it’s been proven that almost 3/4 of the US wants it passed leaves me dumbfounded.

  16. Considering that
    1, people are safer stoned than drunk for driving since you generally want to slooooowww doooowwwnnn, and
    2, marijuana kills infinitely less people than alcohol, (interpret that as zero deaths from marijuana), and
    3, people who are stoned, (unlike drunks), don't become dicks,
    perhaps the GOP is focusing on the wrong drug for their desire to have laws against it.
    Maybe targeting the evils of alcohol would be better use of their time.

  17. Just give people the DUI for driving high and leave it at that. I used to drive high all the time which made me a better driver, but it should still be illegal to do because the idiots who can't drive high at all are the ones who ruined for everyone

  18. The reason the police are against it is because if you have over 10k dollars on you and you get pulled over with any amount of weed in the car then they are gonna take that 10k dollars from you and say it was drug money. Money in their pockets. Easy.

  19. Young uns are already smoking, The majority of new consumers will be old consumers of the 70's. People in their 60's who don't have the hook ups, because they don't party, but would like to just gently imbibe. Quietly raising my hand.

  20. So they are totally oblivious to the fact Minnesota streets are cover in Marijuana sales. And people have been driving around using it for a good while now..

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