The Time Has Finally Come. Street Preaching – Melbourne CBD

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.” – Proverbs 1:7 This is my first time …


  1. Look in to the who brought Trinity in and change to Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
    And tried to remove Godโ€˜s law, which is the 10 Commandments Roman Catholic Church head of the snake. Jesus warns as of the churches the Pharisees have never die. The word religion was brought in to divide everyone itโ€™s not religion or church what save as itโ€™s blood of Jesus, what saves us and keeping his fatherโ€™s law

  2. "Any preacher who has not stirred the Pharisees, the hypocrites, and the devils to the point of speaking evil against him is not preaching the Gospel in its fullness."
    -B.H. Clendennen

  3. Be the vessel for Jesus and his almighty father, the spirit of the Almighty father works through you as I can see today. He was keep up the good work brother

  4. Jesus saves lives . The living word of God ,Jesus Christ and the holy spirit is prime reality . Seek and you shall find ,knock and the door will be opened . Amen โค

  5. Some reflections:
    I find it questionable how you worded it 'getting a trophy wife' when you were listing possible successes. And you listed it alongside such common things too, such as having six kids or getting rich.ย 

    That's quite a superficial, degrading, and satanic view of 'finding a wife'' to have as a Christian man. Why would you talk about wives in that way? You could argue you were saying 'some males might judge success by that' but admittedly I am surprised your mind would even go there.ย Especially since you have a wife. Wouldn't you just refer to success as finding your other half? Why speak as a male who consumes degenerate media and views women so poorly?

    I think you need to reflect back on Ephesians 5:25, Proverbs 18:22, Proverbs 31:10-12, 1 Corinthians 11:12, Ephesians 5:28.

    The Bible is very clear that wives are a gift from God. They are to be treasured and considered precious jewels. How a man treats and thinks about women and his wife is a direct reflection on his relationship with the Almighty. Women are a blessing. The ability for them to bring life into this world arguably makes them the closest thing we have in the flesh to a miracle.

    Some evil men use women, manipulate them, coerce them, keep them down etc. They use quotes from the Bible to 'justify' their actions, but they completely take them out of context.

    For example, the Bible references women being the 'weaker' sex, but this is in the context of cherishing and protecting them. God has placed women in the responsibility of men. The Bible also references women submitting to their husbands, but this is in the context of the husband being a truly Godly man who will bring no harm.

    Such a shame how people twist the Lord's words for their own use.

    I think you also might want to be careful with your style of preaching. Your speeches all seem to be 'me, me, me, me, me.' This is supposed to be about God though.ย Boasting is sinful. Proverbs 27:2 sums it up nicely. If you're a good , selfless, brave etc man then you do not need to say it. For others will know and speak of your character for you.

    I'd also be wary of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and especially Titus 1:16 " They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works.."

    Unfortunately Christianity is rife with people using the Lord's word for self gain. 2 Corinthians 11:14 'And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.'

    Even Christ's own disciple, Paul, displayed pervertedness. Corinthians 9:20, for example. Deceiving others by lying about being who you are to manipulate people into following you. We can do better than that. That is such a horrible verse. I have never found peace with it.

    But God always knows the truth.ย 

    And those who are well-versed in the Bible do too.

    Good luck on your journey brother.

  6. I thought last night you had 20k subs? I guess some people got scared of the gospel. Thats okay, for every 1 sub that leaves because of the gospel God will x2 or more. God bless brother! Keep up the good work spreading the good news!

  7. May YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High's beautiful will be done, all day, every day, all night, every night in all this earth as it is done in heaven above . May YAH's kingdom of Heaven come. YAH bless you and your loved ones brother and keep you. Stay strong, be courageous. No fear but the fear of YaHuWaH Elohiym Most High.

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