1. I'm apolitical, I believe in what's known as agorism… in the economic theories detailed by SEK3 (Samuel Edward Konkin III).

    Politics and religion has no place in actual survival and prepping, IMHO- economics has absolutely nothing to do with money or funds, it's merely the STUDY of: resource and relationship. When, not IF, SHTF it's persons in your immediate physical location who will make or break you. That's a known precept that needs to be constantly and critically assessed.

    I'm more or less Switzerland, though, there are certain persons and groups of people that I choose not to associate with (or refuse to associate with often/regularly) for a variety of valid reasons.

  2. An energy crisis we have created,
    The federal government not renewing 6 oil leases in Alaska will make food and fuel skyrocket in price, prepare people its going to get ugly!

  3. Its funny that so many feel that theres a serious need to prep because of an upcoming presidential election. I guess Im old enough to remember the days when we had peaceful transfers of power before brittle ego's couldn't accept the fact that they lost and ended up starting riots.
    How sad that it seems there is now a need to prepare for expected widespread civil unrest simply because some dont like free and fairly won elections. How sad.

  4. Time to get off of the fence. If you give any credit at all to these charges or just don’t want to deal with them ‘cause it may have an effect on your income, you are an example of ‘the problem’. We are about to lose our country and all the ‘prepping’ should be SECONDARY to prevention.

  5. @city prepping thanks for being the only Prepper channel that doesn't jump on every news fad and over exaggerate the situation being reported on.Same for using headlines that reflect on info in your video Not an over exagerated impending doom such as well all the rest …..You sir a credible .

  6. As a sensible prepper, I note that a simple dehumidifier to lower humidity can save your life by keeping wet bulb temperatures below death using a small solar system to power it. I have a 1000 watt portable solar battery.

  7. While I have appreciated your news segments over the last year I do miss more of the how to style videos that made me subscribe to begin with. Looking forward to seeing the xontent you put out next! Thank you!

  8. Chris: I, for one, would like to have more practical lessons and less news summaries. We don't have enough good content on the Web detailing techniques and have too much news. Thanks for all you do.

  9. Just a footnote. The ukrainian war is totally the fault of america. It would end tomorrow if our president f joe button. Would let it.

  10. 11:16 Sunday end times from the Bible suggest two paths of direction. Prayer are very important at this times. Pray the New World Order fails. Strong prayer can turn the times. There is a credible of a HEMP within weeks. Pray this doesn't happen. Word of God says America is not mention in the final war

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