Welcome to Blueprint Cannabis || Cannabis 101 (4K)

Welcome to Blueprint Cannabis || Cannabis 101 (4K) #ShotByNathanJTV Welcome to Blueprint Cannabis. An exclusive look …


  1. we live in rural mississippi where they treat cannabis like heroin. i drove an 80 mile round trip and meet a guy at a gas station and pay way, way, too much for 15 % bs. WHERE IS THE BUD?

  2. watching this from my singlewide trailer built in 1964 in rural mississippi is depressing. we dont have air conditiioning or heat. theres plants that live a better life than us

  3. This dude talks with his hands like he thinks he's in a rap video 🤣😂😏🙄Although I like the setup of this grow op, seems like a typical Cali grow op, quantity over quality…..smh. Shame.🤡

  4. Lol.. "allot of people do 60/60 when drying, but we don't" lol and I'm not going to tell you what we dry at, 60/60 for 10 plus days never worked for me either, I actually do it a little faster and it comes out way better than had I set it at 60/60. NY ambient climate

  5. Everyone is on here talking about his "pesticides" being inorganic but he didn’t list a single one that wasn't organic other than peroxide. I'm not saying he isn’t using inorganic pesticides at all and he didn't just exclude them but from what he did list it none of them were inorganic or unsafe. And what he said about peroxide is correct it does turn to water and oxygen after it does its thing. It doesn’t hurt anything and in some cases can actually help the cannabis root system in cases where the roots are not getting enough oxygen or are attacked by certain insects. I have used it on my grows for fungus gnats. I didn’t hear him list any actual poisonous chemicals. I did see some people on here advocating neem oil though which is actually toxic to humans and azadirachtin actually can make you sick. You aren't even supposed to use neem oil in flower because it can mess with the smell and taste of your buds. It also stays in the cannabis plants system when used on it, especially the root zone, for up to two weeks after use. It is not the magical safe organic compound a lot of you seem to think it is.

  6. That bud is probably trash sold at dispensaries. Pesticides ha. Junk ass garbage. Yeah peroxide doeant fully go away. Toxic chemicals bud this is why people get sick with CHS. Not the wee its host trash chems

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