what I eat in a day 🌿 (plant-based + vegetarian home cooked meals)

All recipes are live on my website, Shop Anima Mundi Apothecary here …


  1. looking forward to your next video 🙂 i am so happy i found your channel while i was visiting texas, helped me connect more deeply with the land and appreciate my experience there. a lot of past body shamming trauma came up during that time and your breast related content was very healing and supportive 🙂 thank you for being you

  2. Sophia have you research the anti nutrients in plants?? Vegetables, legumes, seeds and grains are very high in antinutrients like lectins and phytates. Phytates for example prevents the absorption of iron, zinc, and calcium and may promote mineral deficiencies. Thats the reason why all vegans fail on the vegan diet in my humble opinion. Every vegan when they first go vegan they start to eat all the plants. We are over eating people. But we think that just because they are plants they wont harm you and you can eat all you want. We are more then flesh humans. We are spiritual beings having a human experience, we dont even need to eat at all sometimes. We need to elevate our frequency instead, learn to meditate and activate the chakras, we are magical we are powerful beings, eating stuff/ plants/ animals is not all . To be honest i believe nothing is natural in this dimension we are in. Us humans are not natural how can we find health? Our DNA ha been changed long time ago. Read the annunakis book. Reasearch and read the ancient tablets. Search how us humans and all this different human races got here. We are all mixed with extraterrestrials. We are not the only living beings, theres a lot more out there.

  3. Hello Sophia you inspire me to be vegan. I love your vlogs and tips etc. The beauty you give in the videos from nature to animals to your soul. Thank you very much.

  4. Too bad you stopped being vegan. You have some great ideas, but you forget to eat local. All those organic labels don't mean a thing because any farm can pay off the inspectors and slap it on. All the rhetoric in the world won't change the fact that you now exploit animals for your own benefit. You're a very attractive young woman that talks like an alien. In other words, you would alienate most of your audience if not for your looks. You come off as this peaceful. blissful creature from some unearthly garden, but I bet that in real life you're a real biotch. If you sense a bit of negativity, good, we need to be balanced.

  5. To all of those haters who do not respect Sophia's recent decision do everyone else a favor and don't watch her videos. Y'all are so pathetic for getting angry at sometime who chose to be honest with herself. Absolutely pathetic dawg.

  6. Wow, what a shameful video. Bye. Sorry to all the animals that you had to make an announcement that you’re going back to harming the most vulnerable. 😢

  7. Hopefully you're open to explain this to me as I really don't understand your point of view. You aknowledge Earth as a sentiant being as we all should, but at the same time you're okay with harming Earth by consuming animal by products that to produce them takes quite a toll on Earth and in animals? When was that animal abuse became a "gift"? How can you see somethig full of violence and oppresion as a gift? It seems you used to not do that… What was the change within you that blinds you from seeing this?

  8. what does this farm do wit all the male chicks?

    naturally chickens lay 6 to 12 eggs per year. We bred chickens to lay around 300 a year..which really burgens and destroy lots of their bodies. Often they have to be put to sleep because their behinds are so messed up from laying so much eggs.

    So that is still my animal wellbeing issue with consuming eggs. We are just with too many people and want too much, it is not that we find some wild eggs sometimes that would be different..

    no judgement or hate just thinking out loud. I everybody ate like you the world would be a much better place 😉

  9. I found your channel few months ago when I was searching for vegan mexican recipes and I loved it. I've watched all other videos you posted and I was wondering why you removed so many of them. Cause I just wanted to see more. 😀 Your lifestyle is close to what I would like to adapt to. At first I didn't know you were vegan and I was very happy to hear it because I am. And then when you posted the video where you are no longer vegan. I was like, she is such a sweet and loving person there is no way I unfollow her about such thing. I love you even more because you choose to follow your soul, not to live in fear. 🧡

  10. Saying that you make sure you get these vegetarian products from places where the animals have the same quality of life that you would want is absolute nonsense. If you ever give birth, I highly doubt you would want someone squeezing the milk from your breasts and taking it for themselves without your permission.

  11. Hi beautiful Sophia! I would be interested in a video on conscious romantic relationships if that is something you’re ever interested in sharing your journey on??
    Communication, inner work, mirrors and triggers etc etc
    I am entering a new relationship which, thus far, has been the mostly healthy partnership I’ve ever been in, in terms of communication, honesty, accountability and care for one another. I would love to hear your tips/mistakes/experiences with building a solid foundation for love and a blossoming relationship from there.
    Much love to you ❤

  12. Gary Yourofsky the leader of veganism has wide words of why this is again his teachings, he does not approve of you tarnishing the very concept of veganism. He taught that only rescue hens that are RETIRED not EGG LAYING l You betrayed all his teachings he would sell you a retired hen who haven’t produced eggs- you don’t want the pet you want the egg that goes against Gary Yourofsky teachings you are commodifying animals it’s speciesism why not buy turtles for their eggs? Oh wait because those aren’t the animals you’ve selected for commodifying
    Watch his explanation https://youtu.be/rSdjEshGQd4?si=9_4P3IACBF7CYSUk

  13. You may be happy with where your eggs come from, but you are now promoting ‘recipes’ where others will use factory farmed products to replicate, therefore perpetuating the suffering of animals. You’ve completely lost it. Disgusted and heartbroken don’t even begin to describe how I feel watching you do this. I hope to god you find your way back

  14. Unfortunately, due to selective breeding over generations, hens now overproduce eggs. Not unlike humans, they apparently originally only had a once-a-month cycle. This cycle has now increased to an almost-daily occurrence, and is a tremendous burden on their body. Their mere existence at this point is cruel.
    Of course, there is an argument that can be made in the case of rescue-hens that are cast-offs from an industry that considers them 'spent'…and destined for slaughter. But if these farms are taking on newly-bred hens for the purpose of selling eggs, then your money is supporting the continued cycle of suffering. 

    If, as you say, you want eggs from hens that live in a manner that you'd want to live then, perhaps this situation warrants more consideration.

  15. First video of you I have ever watched. Exactly what I am striving to live like. Congratulations on your impact and hope to watch your future videos and subscribed. Much love!

  16. Just wondering without any judgment why you would eat eggs when they are full of cholesterol, which is proven to clog arteries, which in turn leads to heart disease. I really hope you answer me. Im a struggling vegan of 4 years and i dont know anyone else like me. I feel very alone and withdrawn from my family and mostly my husband. I have no friends that are vegan and im very depressed about animals, people, the whole world. Im thinking of trying prescription pot, cbd, oil or something. I cry many times a week and cant seem to get a grip on life. What are your thoughts?

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