1. Like Billy Joel says…they might be laughing a bit too loud, but that never hurt no-one. The land of cannabis is a nice place to visit. I just wouldn't want to LIVE there. As with ALL drugs, they serve a purpose. The trouble starts when you abuse them daily. Outlawing a plant, seems beyond absurd to me. It never should have been outlawed in the first place. We cannot legislate our way out of the natural world. And if we don't learn that soon, the natural world will legislate US out of existence.

  2. If they tax it like crazy, it won’t sell as well. The Minnesota medical market has sucked since the beginning. I’m glad they are taking a different approach.

  3. Federally only opioids, alcohol and cigarette are legal!!!

    In USA, anyone can be a legal opioid addict, alcoholic, and chain cigarette smoker!!

    President Joe Biden
    Please Note human beings such as Veterans that use state legal marijuana instead of opioids are denied housing, shelter and ptsd treatment!

    State verses federal

    By federal law, only opioids can be legally prescribed. Opioids are federally approved and by law, all hospitals can only legally prescribe opioids with Narcan!

    Opioid overdose is a serious issues; especially, amongst Veterans!

    state legal medical marijuana instead of federally approved opioids.

    State and federal government collect taxes from marijuana sales.
    President Joe Biden
    Executive Order to permit and allow Veterans to use state legal medical marijuana instead of opioids!!

    Veterans that use state legal marijuana are denied housing, shelter and PTSD treatment.

    No public, safe, clean bathrooms or showers for homeless, destitute, and vagrant!

    Legalize marijuana for Veterans!

  4. President Joe Biden
    Please Note human beings such as Veterans that use state legal marijuana instead of opioids are denied housing, shelter and ptsd treatment!

    State verses federal

    By federal law, only opioids can be legally prescribed. Opioids are federally approved and by law, all hospitals can only legally prescribe opioids with Narcan!

    Opioid overdose is a serious issues; especially, amongst Veterans!

    state legal medical marijuana instead of federally approved opioids.

    State and federal government collect taxes from marijuana sales.
    President Joe Biden
    Executive Order to permit and allow Veterans to use state legal medical marijuana instead of opioids!!

    Veterans that use state legal marijuana are denied housing, shelter and PTSD treatment.

    No public, safe, clean bathrooms or showers for homeless, destitute, and vagrant!

    Legalize marijuana for Veterans!

  5. I made about $300 a day as a cannabis trimmer in Oregon for the first 5 years of legalization.
    I went from riding a bike to owning 2 vehicles.

  6. I had an ex that would go out of her mind and at the hospital she would blame it on weed or Acid, but it was because she wanted to get on disability and she eventually succeeded and got a house in this community where I have to show my id. But I got on to her the first time I found out so next time she used worse drugs.

    She had been doing this kind of thing at 16.

  7. I am almost 70 years old, raised my kids preaching marijuana was evil, but now like those gummies to help me sleep… You could say I'm now eating my words!!! I've known people who have been using it all my life and since I lived in Colorado I've not seen any corruption except in government… Mostly southern states!!!

  8. Greed makes me sick all there worried about is their profits.
    True freedom means everybody can do it. Everything they touch gets ruined. It's a weed it should be cheap for the working man.

  9. One thing not mentioned in the story but a lesson from Nevada and Las Vegas: HOTELS will still try to keep people from smoking in rooms (even tobacco-smoking-designated rooms!) They'll say that it takes X days to get the smell out and if they rent the room the next guest will complain. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCE: It'll drive people to try vapes and edibles to get around that.

  10. Their interviewee with the beard was right about edibles and what typically happens. To make it less likely Colorado has had a packaging mandate to split things up by 10mg to emphasize that you're not necessarily supposed to eat the whole thing.

  11. OK, here's what the pro-legalization forces are saying (check it in 10 years): Not only have the dangers of marijuana been seriously overblown, but it's not even as bad as alcohol.

  12. Here in the mitten state marijuana is now worthless and can’t even give my extra away as the market is so saturated ( I’ve never had sold it anyway and is illegal to do so) . Vape carts that three years ago cost $40-50 each are now $13 and you can buy a ounce that used to be $250-400 is $70-100 . Growing at home is more just a hobby know as it’s cheaper just to buy from a dispensary and the state can take their cut .

  13. Makes no sense they limited it to 8g of concentrate and 800mg of edibles while at the same time allowing 2oz of bud. Colorado has the same concentrate and edible limits but it is because they say 8g concentrate = 1oz of bud (bud limit in colorado). So it should be 16g of concentrate here and 1600mg of edibles. Else these numbers make no sense and are just thrown out there. Limits don't do anything besides force customers to get bad deals when purchasing.

    edit, in addition it is horrible for the environment to force someone to drive somewhere 5x a week, vs just 1x per week to get a full weeks supply at the dispensary.

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