9 Tips for Cats That Veterinarians Keep Silent About

The health of our cats is of utmost importance to all of us. That’s why every cat owner wishes for a knowledgeable, empathetic …


  1. My cat was healthy and fine. She was 7. The vet at a checkup said my cat needed a deep cleaning of her teeth. If I recall correctly this required general anesthetic. We went ahead with this. One year later she suddenly broke out with cancer all throughout her mouth and face, and she was put to sleep. Uh huh. Never trust vets nor their aggressive tactics for vaccinations. All of my other cats lived to be at least 20 years old without medical intervention.

  2. Don't know why I feel this toothbrushing is a money grab.

    I was 12 before I had my first dental appointment because no doctor had told my parents about dental care.

    So why so much more interest in a pet? Because this new generation of "pet parents". There's money there.

  3. How come vets tell owners NOT TO FEED cats a grain FREE diet? Explain why they do that, is it so that
    owners buy the food in their office?

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