1. I have used snuff for over 10 years. Trust me, I dosent make you limitless. Caffeine is better for you and it wont consume your life.. Usually 1-3 cups of coffee is safe. As for nicotine, its expensive, super addictive, makes you lose focus if you dont consume it ALL the time. Fuck that shit!

  2. This is stupid comparing apples to oranges. Vape, smoking nicotine. Any kind of smoking is terrible for you. And i'm saying this as somebody who smokes weed sometimes….. Smoking nicotine especially cigarettes is Extremely horrible for you even myself. Smoking a little bit of weed at night. I know it's not good, but cigarettes is a whole different level and vaping. Forget it.

  3. correlated with decreased Alzheimerā€™s, Dementia & Parkinsonā€™s (symptoms at least). Like he said, & as no one would advocate it, as it becomes an easy addiction, which is an addiction, you have to wrestle with. But it does have its benefits.

  4. Don't do it. It's like thinking you can get near a black hole, and no one will witness you falling in.

    It augments you for about two noticeable minutes, but it's not useful because it eventually becomes dominated by primarily soothing its own side effect

  5. First time I strongly disagree with Andrew. I am too tired to write the whole in depth explanation right now, but as some already pointed out, there are way too many downsides and the reshaping of your brain receptors and neurotransmitters is a permanent problem that should not and can not be ignored. The benefits do not balance out the downsides. Not even close.

  6. I stopped smoking 2 and a half pack of cigarettes with the nicotine pouches. Now i can have nicotine in my system without any smoke or vape. Smoking or vaping will kill you you and make u feel like shit. So for those that already smoke, give it a try. Itā€™s worth it.

  7. Those pouches are just dip pouches they exist every where it is no safer than chew. How ever everyone should especially those with asthma it will actually strengthen your lungs if your asthmatic

  8. I swapped my vape and cigs for patches to help me quit, and I have noticed MASSIVE differences in my cognitive, attention and memory.
    Iā€™m staying on the patches for some time before reducing them..

  9. In Bulgaria they changed the cigarettes that come from EU. The fking make me vomit, its driving me crazy.

    There no homeland compnies anymore… And how come the EU is trying to poison people. I dont know who to talk to about this.

  10. Donā€™t think about it. U will convince yourself to keep doing it. Eventually the effects wear off because of receptor remodeling in the brain. This is coming from a med school student that was addicted to nicotine and justified its use because med school is ā€œhardā€. Feel 10x better now and can focus better

  11. This man does not know that nicotine is highly toxic and has been widely used as an insecticide. He also forgot to mention that nicotine is a very addictive drug and nobody can control the use of it. He claims that he can control it. (Just look at smokers, they are not smokers because they choose to or because they enjoy being smokers, They are smokers because they are nicotine addicts. They smoke TO GET THE DRUG that they are addicted to). Having said that, Have you ever heard of an addict that can "control it"? Of course you have not! Even if they say so, they are lying. Addicts lie to every one including themselves, they are not aware that they are hooked on the drug thinking that they can take it or leave it, but the truth is, they are slaves. They HAVE to get the drug, otherwise they will be miserable.The fact that they are called ADDICTS tells you that they can't control the use of it(it's not that they are weak-willed and can't control it, but nicotine is a VERY addictive drug and there is no way you won't get hooked). It's drug addiction; Just like every other drug, the brain builds up resistance to nicotine after a period of usage, and the usual dose won't be enough anymore. Consequently, you will want more and more of that drug.

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