Cannabis Education: Mimi Sener & Mel Wentzel of CoCo Medical Education & Consulting (AltMed Ep.106)

In this week’s podcast we chat with Mimi Sener & Mel Wentzel of CoCo Medical Education & Consulting about: – Medical …

1 Comment

  1. Hi you two guys and the two ladies. My patient activation level is 100%. I have completed with a very high pass mark the cannabis University master's certificate. I have a very high amount of knowledge on medicinal cannabis. My question for all of you and anyone else that reads this. Have you all completed the submission to Parliament for the adult use cannabis bill 2023. I look forward to hearing from you all. Any correspondence will be highly appreciated. Oh buy the way I'm 51 not some stupid young punk, i have many years experience with all aspects of this amazing beneficial medicinal cannabis plant. Thank you.

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