1. Dave, you mastered the art of interviewing without interrupting. The story is in the guest. Too many hosts like to hear their own voice. Your guests can tell their whole life story, each time a different story. Interesting.

  2. Great story Shaun. Just be sure to invest in a good microphone if you do start a podcast. It's a bit painful to listen with the one you are using and it would be great to improve that one thing.

  3. So so awesome, his story is so inspirational, thank you for sharing his story, I love this community to ,everyone is so supportive, and we are all grateful for the wonderful changes we have experienced because of the Carnivore way of life.

  4. Another great interview. Astounding. Again you start so simply, "How did you find carnivore?" May the whole world find carnivore, live long in good health.

  5. Such an inspiration. I have an autoimmune desease of the eye called birdshot uveitis. I'm dabbling in carnivore and definitely notice improved vision and reduced inflammation in the eyes.

  6. I’ve been having quite a bit of vision problems in one eye because of uveitis/iritis. This definitely gives me hope, though I’m only 12 days on carnivore. This gives me the encouragement to keep pushing on.

  7. Hi Dave, Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ I’m so happy for you ❀ I wish you everything beautiful. God bless love your story. Dave you have so much compassion for people ❀

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