1. Hello Katie. I've ditched the smart phone and now only watch video's from the tv. Logged on real quick to post a comment.
    I've also got booby problems and I'm thinking it's swollen lymphnoids too. My massage specialist has been working hard trying to get rid of some nasty kinks behind my shoulder blades that cause my hands to fall asleep and she also works hard under my armpits where i have really bad swollen lymphnoids. I'm wondering if it's now moved to the ta tahs. I've been wearing castor oil packs 24/7 on them and they are starting to feel better.
    You was talking about your thyroid. Did you also know that wearing a castor oil pack around our throat will help with our thyroid too?
    I also have been taking organic Irish sea moss powder. Also very good for our thyroid and gut. Something to look into maybe.

    Missing some of my favorite youtubers, but I'm loving the fact that the phone doesn't control me anymore.

  2. I was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia which I know is the boogeyman and people are often misdiagnosed but I’ve had all the tests done for everything else and they were negative and I have all the symptoms of fibro. I went carnivore for 54 days and saw zero change in pain then I just went lower carb but I’m still seeing no difference. I haven’t had gluten in 4 months and I cut out eggs 2 months ago and dairy 1 month ago. I have had zero difference in pain. I’m feeling very discouraged I know food is powerful but at this point I feel like I’m wasting my time trying to cut out so many foods I’m so over it. I was offered medication which I don’t want to take but I’m so tired of being in pain and I don’t know how to keep going feeling so hopeless. I feel like if my diet could fix it I would’ve noticed by now? Any thoughts? I know this was a lot to share I’m just curious if anyone has any thought that could help me 😔

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