1. It's true if you smoke like everyday you'll get skinny… you will feel your bum and thighs mostly get skinny…in my country if people see you having skinny bum and thighs they will definitely say you are pothead …I don't understand why thier isn't much information about this online…. it's like a common thing in my country

  2. And generally its because you get lazy when you smoke or sleeo which burns fat or when your lazy to make food or something while you could be eating ykur high and lazy and ur body is eating its own fat

  3. Well i can say i used to eat alot and get really hungry everyday but onxe i started smoking i now fan basifally only eat when i smoke or i gave to smoke before j eat and when i have nothing i barely eat

  4. Here after two years of smoking weed and tobacco (moke bowls & spliffs) together on a daily basis. I stopped 5 days ago cold turkey both nic and weed and I've lost 8lbs. I don't have an appetite, I barley eat once a day. I feel like I'm slipping away from reality slowly and I just switched addictions from a substance to literally just obsessing over my weight and body image. I knew I had an eating disorder before, but now all I care about is not gaining the weight back, burning calories, and walking everyday. I'm in a very unhealthy restrictive cycle right now. Yall plz be careful and don't let anyone tell you that weed (with tobacco ) isn't addictive or it doesn't have any bad affects THEY R LYING 2 U.

  5. I'm an uber driver and I drive people regularly who have the choice between buying food or their addictions and they go for spending all their cash on addictions.
    I know 3 people who are actually starving to death because they smoke weed and cigarettes and drink alcohol

  6. i used to weigh 60 for many years and started gaining after 3 years of use? generally haven't had a solid exercise schedule but i need to develop one now

  7. All of these comments about losing weight when smoking are blowing my mind. The day after Thanksgiving, I weighed the most I’ve ever weighed in my life and stopped smoking seven days ago to help me lose weight. I have insatiable cravings when I smoke and have zero self-control. I shovel food in my mouth even if I’m not hungry, I just want to keep chewing and swallowing. It doesn’t matter what kind of food it is. I promised myself I won’t smoke again until I have lost at least 10 pounds. So far I am down seven. But I’m almost certain I will gain the whole 10 pounds back if I smoke for two days in a row.

  8. I- 😂😂😂 I feel like it depends on the person I love eating! Never lost my appetite if anything I just wanna go cook when I’m high so I can taste how much more amazing everything is. And it’s the same when I’m sober. I tried a month break and ate normally, weight stayed the same, and experienced no random cravings or lack there of

  9. I remember when a friend of mine growing up started smoking weed. Before he started using it, he was a slightly bigger kid. But he was good-looking, and he looked healthy. When he started messing with pot, he was noticeably thinner but didn't look as healthy as before. So there is some truth to this report.

  10. Im a heavy medical marijuana user of 5+ years and more before hand. I can control my appetite I can either be very hungry or not at all depending on if I want to be hungry or not, it's kinda a super power.

  11. i literally lost a good amount of weight over night after smoking a blunt for the 1st time in 4 months. I was shocked at how skinny i looked this morning compared to how chubby i was looking the last couple of weeks so i had to search this up.

  12. i was 207 and now im about 197.6 and i jus started smoking very frequently about 1 to 2 months ago. my appetite is very bad like im never hungry and probably wont eat unless i smoked within the last 5 hours

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