Thank you for addressing some of my concerns with CBD. In doing research on CBD, I could not find a definitive answer on a "standardized dosing" amount. I've had many operations for arthritis that have involded fusions in my back and both feet, and both of my knees have been replaced. In addition, I have peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet as a result of a flu vaccine. I had been seen by my Rhumetologist since 2006. However, because I only had osteoarthritis, I was told I could no longer be seen. Long story short, I was taken off of opioid pain medication and put on 800 mgs ibuprofen 3 times a day. I have been trying to find alternatives to help manage my chronic pain. I'm struggling with controlling my pain and am desperate to find something that can help.
Great to know! I wish this had been available during the years I suffered from neuropathy caused by Lipitor. Thank you for your thoroughness of presentation.
What if you live in pain every day I really need help please help me 🥺
Thank you for addressing some of my concerns with CBD. In doing research on CBD, I could not find a definitive answer on a "standardized dosing" amount. I've had many operations for arthritis that have involded fusions in my back and both feet, and both of my knees have been replaced. In addition, I have peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet as a result of a flu vaccine. I had been seen by my Rhumetologist since 2006. However, because I only had osteoarthritis, I was told I could no longer be seen. Long story short, I was taken off of opioid pain medication and put on 800 mgs ibuprofen 3 times a day. I have been trying to find alternatives to help manage my chronic pain. I'm struggling with controlling my pain and am desperate to find something that can help.
I have tried topical and oral CBD, in 3 month trials, with no significant benefit
Great to know! I wish this had been available during the years I suffered from neuropathy caused by Lipitor. Thank you for your thoroughness of presentation.