Does Topical CBD Really Work for PAIN? Here's What Science Says

Does topical CBD work for pain? Explore the truth behind CBD and pain management with Dr. Jeff Peng in this enlightening video …


  1. Thank you for addressing some of my concerns with CBD. In doing research on CBD, I could not find a definitive answer on a "standardized dosing" amount. I've had many operations for arthritis that have involded fusions in my back and both feet, and both of my knees have been replaced. In addition, I have peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet as a result of a flu vaccine. I had been seen by my Rhumetologist since 2006. However, because I only had osteoarthritis, I was told I could no longer be seen. Long story short, I was taken off of opioid pain medication and put on 800 mgs ibuprofen 3 times a day. I have been trying to find alternatives to help manage my chronic pain. I'm struggling with controlling my pain and am desperate to find something that can help.

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