Embrace Your Journey: AVOID This Common Fitness Comparison Mistake | Mind Pump 2191

00:00 Mind Pump Fit Tip: The guys with the BIGGEST calves are the ones who don’t even work them out. 13:04 How parents who …


  1. My calves are jacked, they look like bodybuilder calves. What you have to realize is I spent over 20 years of my life at over 300 lbs while still being active and working physical jobs. My calves are huge just from carrying so much extra weight for so long. A lot of people who spend long periods of time overweight get jacked calves like this.

  2. My calves has grown i do standing and seated calves raises went from 14inchs to 14.5inches in 3 months ..for me its the frequency i train it first or last doing leg day….3 times a week sets progressive Overload …30 sec rest and 3 sec eccentric 2 sec squeeze

  3. I can't remember which episode you guys told me that I can split my leg workout for 3 days a week (Squat day, Hip thrust day, and Deadlift day) and focus on getting stronger. I’m a big fan of leg days so couldn't help but jump in this.

    It was around 5 months ago that I changed the way I train (from 12-15 reps/ set to 3-5 reps/set). Now my one rep max for the squat is 100 kg (it was 85) and 105 kg for the deadlift (it was 90) also a noticeable gain!

    Appreciate your content❤

  4. It took me forever to stop comparing and just focusing on my health and strength. It took my health going downhill and having to start all over again to learn this lesson

  5. Def hit home for me. I'm going thru a body recomposition and some days I'm in a decent calorie deficit so the weight I'm putting up in the gym is low compared to others but then again I am near 40 and only been in gym for less than year.

  6. Great show I just started listening to it a couple months ago. I had a question Sal. I’ve used BPC157 in the past for a torn rotator cuff along with stem cells and it worked great. I do 16 iu twice a day when using it. What’s the protocol and dosage for TB 500? I appreciate you guys.

  7. I know firsthand that females born with predominantly fast-twitch muscle fibers WILL have a MUCH EASIER time gaining strength, muscle mass and stamina (as long as they have a fast metabolism). How did I learn this? By becoming a vaulting 'specialist,' from the beginning, as a child on a competitive gymnastics team.

    If vaulting and tumbling (floor) are your very best events from the beginning, you are undoubtedly a POWER gymnast. Explosive power and strength are your gifts, as a female gymnast. So, this type of muscle fiber translates extraordinary well to the bodybuilding and/or powerlifting arena… especially powerlifting…

    ..However, if a female's goal is to STAY NATURAL, no matter what, she shouldn't be too interested in competitions on any level. She'll be up against cheaters who lie and manipulate on EVERY level of competition. Best to TOUGH IT OUT – with absolutely NO help from all types substances, including growth hormones and fat-burners – in order to be able to take pride in being more resilient and possibly having a higher pain threshold tolerance. Cheating makes resilience, recovery and pain management 100X easier for any lifter.

    Edit: Added info. Hope someone reads this. It's 110 % ACCURATE.

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