Ep 202 How to Make Edibles Cheaper, Faster, and Stronger with Shanel Lindsay

In this episode of the Wake + Bake Podcast, your favorite weed nerds sit down with Shanel Lindsay – inventor, cannabis …


  1. Question please, I have both the Nova and the FX, after decarboxylation should I allow the herb to cool before infusing? I haven’t made anything recently but when I did a few months ago, the resulting product was very average when I went straight from decarb to infusion 🤔

  2. Have been using an ardent for a few years now and im absolutely blown away everytime i produce something. Have used homegrown,dispensaries, live rosins, hashes etc and with many mediums for multiple clients. The accessories are also a must!!! The carbon filter will change everything can't smell anything when decarbing/infusing. I always love telling customers and fellows medicators about thia fantastic invention.

  3. I am a registered nurse whose passion is hospice and would love to help my patients with cannabis but can’t because I live in Kentucky. Thank you for all your valuable information!

  4. Love this all! I’m just beginning to take my cannabis journey to education and wellness support – especially for folks with cancer or other chronic conditions, or elderly, who want to have a more mindful and wellness focused cannabis experience.
    So excited for your give away!

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