Experts worry next-gen pot products can cause psychotic episodes

Correspondent Steve Patterson joins Shep Smith to report on next-generation pot products with THC levels so high, they can lead …


  1. Turn to CNBC for stock market reports, not bogus stories about pot. 47 years ago in college I began a personal case study that has involved hundreds of individuals and over 20,000 joints, countless bong hits and packed pipes, and not a once did anybody have any "episodes". Today I buy my papers by the case and the 7 dispensaries within a mile or two offer oh-zees of 31% for $125 incl taxes on discount day. I'm retired, healthy, and smoke so much pot, the Zig-Zag man has a tattoo of ME on his arm!

  2. Most of this is misinformation get your weed from a recreational or medical dispensary that are certified but no yall are smoking prolly spice or laced weed or the synthetic thc so stop playing an disrespecting the name of weed as if its worse than cigs or alcohol like this is ridiculous people are mindless when it comes to this stuff

  3. Thing about THC is there is a ceiling, once you reach a certain level more does nothing. In other words it's self limiting. And sometimes lower THC weed will get you a better high .

  4. Take SAFFRON , i healed myself with saffron i have suffered from anxiety induced by cannabis bad trip , it was sooo horrible … i have tried all type of supplément … the unique effective treatment is SAFFRON thanks god

  5. My nephew was just committed to a mental facility because of concentrated THC vape products. He struggled with depression before, but I believe the THC helped push him into full on psychosis. Something has to be done about weed, vape, and vape products.

  6. it does alter your mind the paranoia should be your first warning. We know what smoking tobacco does, and what smoking opium does, and weed is no different. if properly used opium can become the opioids that reduce suffering in people but used wrongly, we have addiction and that's not good.

  7. Everyone thought it would be medical marijuana with a little regular marijuana not highly addictive marijuana we get played
    Not satisfied with a average addicts they need zombie addicts

  8. Okay no one wants to hear this burn here I go. Almost all the cases of thc “psychosis” are people who have preexisting mental health issues weather it’s diagnosed or undiagnosed yes it will enhance that mental health issue. However i have not met a single person who got psychosis and didn’t have a mental health issue

  9. I paint houses when I got called to paint a house that was a grow house, the garage was full of gallons bottles cans bags. Buckets of every kind of chemical you could think of for cannabis the house was under a sarch warrant at the time the tenant got away with aliases

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