1. Great episode. Please share a link for the oracle ring you referred to. Iā€™m in full menopause and luckily have hormone support which has helped a lot but Iā€™m still dialing in a ā€œbetter sleepā€ regimen. Iā€™ve implemented most of these things but Iā€™d love the ring. Thx for sharing your journey, itā€™s been a great refresher to listen.

  2. I am new here and love your channel. You have very sound advice. I always had sleep issues specially the last 10 years or so. Trying to figure out what worked for me was a never ending road. Eventually I did. This might help also others. After trying everything I come to realise that my diet wasnā€™t the best. I ate too much meat and not enough fish. My doc told me since I donā€™t like fish to take a fish oil supplement. And bang, I was reborn within a week. I keep taking them till this day and watch what I eat at night so I donā€™t have a bad digestion. Thanks for this video. ā¤

  3. I e tried all of these except the ring. Iā€™m afraid I will become obsessed with the data and it will get in my head, making sleep worse. My sleep is better than what it was but not as good as I would like. Hormones have helped! I also bought a Bed-jet to blow cool air under my bed. Worth the money.

  4. Thank you for doing this video, Chalene. I try to go to bed around the same time every day. And I try (but often fail) to avoid screen time an hour before bed. I've now (after watching your video!) set a timer to remind me: "Yo, it's 10pm! Close your laptop!" About sleeping on your back, side or front: according to dr Tara Swart (she was on the Diary of a CEO podcast), sleeping on your side is the best way to clear the toxins from your brain. I drink chamomile tea before bed, have a few drops of CBD oil before I turn off the light in my freezing bedroom, and I've ordered mouth tape. I've no idea if I sleep with my mouth open, but I want to make sure I don't. šŸ˜€ I wear a Fitbit that tracks my sleep, temperature, heart rate and breathing rate. I exercise at least 4 times a week. I go for a walk outside first thing in the morning. Phew. But I still don't get enough REM or deep sleep. I wake up a couple of times a night because I have to pee… Maybe I should skip the tea.

  5. Hello, Queen Chalene–

    I have been subscribed (with bell notifications turned on!) within the first few minutes of the first YouTube video I ever watched of yours. I did not search for you, but your video came up in the algorithm as a suggested video. Boy, was it right on! I have admired you for over 10 years now. I discovered you back in 2012 when I began my fitness journey. I was only 18-years-old and a dance major in college at the time. As many people know, the dance world can be very toxic to body image. I started dieting and exercising heavily and was introduced to your workouts via Beachbody. I fell in love with Body Combat, Piyo, etc. I really admired you and looked up to you a lot. You motivated and inspired me daily with your energy and discipline. But what started as trying to lose weight and get in shape so I could feel more confident in ballet class and onstage, led me down a very slippery slope of overexercising and undereating. I became obsessed with nutrition and fitness and developed a severe exercise addiction and eating disorder. Fast forward 10 years later, and I am now a professional dancer! But most importantly, I also went to grad school and now officially have a master's degree in eating disorders. I am very passionate about helping women find peace with their bodies and take care of them with proper nourishment and safe movement. Healing my own relationship with food and exercise transformed my life. I am the healthiest I have ever been, and my goal is to help others become the happiest, healthiest versions of themselves too by finding freedom. To be honest, I hadn't thought much about you in recent years, aside from the times I reference my severe exercise addiction and the countless hours of your workout videos I would watch in a row all day every day without rest…So when YouTube recommended your video about your orthorexia journey and healing your relationship to food/exercise, I immediately recognized you! Thank you so much for your honesty in sharing about your personal struggle. It was such a fresh perspective to see someone I used to envy for her "perfect" body share how much it was actually damaging her health, brain, family, and life. I am so proud of how far you've come. We cannot undo our past mistakes, we were only doing our best at the time, but with knowledge and experience comes growth. And I know so many women are going to benefit from you being brave and vulnerable enough to be fully transparent and share your truth. I nearly killed myself trying have the skinniest most perfect body because I wanted to be beautiful just like you. And I now admire you more than I ever did before because of your honesty, humor, dedication to balance, and well-rounded approach to living a healthy active life. So, thank you for being you! We all go through struggles for a reason. I would not go back in time and wish to struggle with a life-threatening eating disorder, but I know that it led me to the career I have now helping others who are searching for freedom. My motto is: be the person you needed when you were younger. <3

    Anyway, I have been following your content for a while now and never introduced myself or said hello. I have decided to finally leave a comment, because you promised that you read every single one of them. šŸ™‚ I am commenting to let you know that I actually do every single thing you outlined in this video when it comes to sleep. However, one thing that you did not mention is a good quality blackout sleep mask! The Manta sleep mask has changed my life (and saved me the trouble of covering up the alarm clock screen, etc. in the room at night). If you have not already, definitively check out Mantasleep.com. It is the most comfortable sleep mask I have ever owned and absolutely changed my sleep game forever. It blocks out every spec of light! I can't travel without it.

    Thank you again for being amazing and sharing all of your knowledge and passion about health on here. I love getting notifications about your new videos because I always learn something new. I was obsessed with you as a young teen trying to get healthy, and I am in love with you as an almost 30-yr-old adult professional trying to maximize my health to have a better relationship, create a family, etc. I will forever be a huge fan of yours through every stage of this wild unpredictable ride we call life!

    xx Irene

  6. Man, I want a trader Joe's! Such good looking stuff! Love that you put the points on the pkg! So smart! Fun dinner, I like that combo with my zucchini noodles! And a bit of balsamic! Be well Beautiful!

  7. I agree with everything you said only thing is when I am on my phone or watching tv I get so sleepy I donā€™t know why do . But I go sleep same time every night and I get up about same time but also wake in middle of night go bathroom or my husband I also take magnesium, but I am starting to do it twice a day

  8. Youā€™re my go to podcast! Thanks for always providing great tips and info yet entertaining at the same time. Thanks Chalene šŸ˜Š
    Iā€™m going to try these tips tonight. Youā€™re spot on with the importance of sleep. Now if only I can get my hubby on boardā€¦.ā˜ŗļø
    Blessings, Linda

  9. You're awesome! Thank you so much for this episode! So much value! Huge fan of Dr. Amen… his course Help Your Brain Thrive by 25 helped me so much. šŸ«¶

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