1. Now let’s do some spectates of Highly skilled non cheaters with wall hack on. Let’s see how they move without knowing preemptively everyone is. That would be awesome to watch!

  2. This is why I don't play this game at all anymore and have not for years. It has the most obnoxious community, half the player base are using cheat hacks calling people twice their age "kids" like that halfwit Zlaner, god I can't stand that twerp. Love watching you call out these dead set halfwits using cheats and flexing their psuedo prowess.

  3. Bro PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE!!! I need a proof for 2 german streamers! they swear they are the best german warzone players but I DONT BELIEVE IT! No recoil, they always know where the enemies are! Please lets catch em! If you wanna know their names, please let me know!!!!!!!!!!

  4. He's not Scottish mate he's Irish, I'm Scottish and he is not the same at all lol, guys got teeth like a claw hammer and could probably chew an apple through a letterbox 😅

  5. Are you still trying to tell the world call of duty got cheaters. If you're young. You believe there is no cheating in video games. It a video game.
    If you're old, don't believe there is cheating. Then, grow up.

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