I almost didn't set goals this month…| November Goals

It’s time for my November goals. To be honest, this month I almost didn’t set any specific goals. Let’s talk about why. Things …


  1. I realized I hadn’t written anything in my journal when I pulled it out, thinking that I should write down Christmas ideas now so I could be set for when family arrive. When you spoke about whittling down, LOL, for me, that’s like taking the mighty sequoia and ending with a redwood.

  2. But is it really packing if you don't pack like you're going to 💩 your pants twice a day every day you're there? Lol

    Hmm. For the Lift weights once thing, even if you decide not to bring weights, etc to Florida, you could modify that to do some kind of strength-focused workout and just find a short Pilates video on Youtube or something.I'd say that should count towards that goal even if there are no actual dumbbells involved.

    I keep forgetting about the challenge thing! Ugh!

    My goals are pretty simple this month. I didn't even have anything written until yesterday.


    Order my EC Compact Vertical (I've been trialing it for the last month and I LOVE it)
    Get my car oil changed (car is in the shop now; turns out the oil change turned into needing new brakes ugh)
    Finish my Christmas wishlist
    And I have something to mail and a couple Amazon Returns.


    Update YNAB
    Claim unemployment benefits
    Cook 1 recipe

    And for daily, all I have right now are to eat a "proper" breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    And you "already drinking peppermint mocha" really means nothing given you only stop drinking it when your stash runs out lol. If NutPods made it a year-round-flavor, would you even stop?

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