1. Uhh, prohibition just makes a huge black market for everyone who wants. It been like that forever!! Indiananians are dmoking it, growing it it,s everywhere. Politicians have a chance to lock in some revenue and thats it. They , especially Repubs don,t know anything , accurate, about it. They are to busy living in fear of everything.

  2. BWAAHAAAHAAA! I lived in Butler and no booze sold on Sunday back then. Damned ohio folks would show up and drink all our beer watching football, then have to drive drunk back to ohio to buy more. Go figure.

  3. Indiana so backwards won’t be long before I’m out of here I’ll go to Ohio or maybe Colorado to get away from this backward state. Lose money, Indiana you’re stupid.

  4. Psst..we've been growing and smoking it like it was legal for 20+ years, you won't be making money off the existing demographic.
    That's why the cannabis business is struggling and failing everywhere in general. Imagine if there was a store that only sold tomatoes, how long would they be in business for?

  5. Crazy that politicians have the audacity to say they will change the law AFTER the citizens vote for what they want. Why do politicians get to impose fascist laws on us? Straight up tyranny. During COVID we had laws placed on us by politicians and media pundits "in our best interest" despite not being based on fact or science. Today they apologize and say they were trying to help. Here we are again with marijuana — you don't have direct negative impacts on health and you don't have easy access for minors. Just like a bar, children/minors can't just enter a dispensary and purchase marijuana. All the arguments they use are strange circumstances referencing driving or a child using — why are we looking at a small percentage of negative outcomes versus the calmative benefit as a whole for everyone? Those against or politicians trying to embrace control need to study from other states (24 of them legal) and their colleagues in those states to see how the plant has benefitted their state. If you choose to drive under any influence you'll face consequences. Don't place consequences on us all for the actions of a small portion of the population. How many DUI arrests each year divided by the Indiana population? Less than 1% just like covid deaths — so don't demonize us all for the actions or negative outcomes of a small portion of our society.

  6. The real reason the state of Indiana and Police are against Marijuana is because this will limit their ability to create revenue from traffic stops for simple possession. Additionally, the state is trying to figure out how to control and tax — pure greed. No taxation without representation should still be a thing. The government mismanages the tax revenues they have and need to stay out of this new venture that could support the citizens of Indiana through road improvement and other benefits to society.

    Many news, police and politicians push the anti-marijuana rhetoric of the 1950's. Most reporters say we haven't been able to study marijuana but in reality there are 23 states legal with their own data, numerous colleges and corporations spending millions to study for the last decade or more. Why does the news always emphasize the bad but never take 10 minutes to research for themselves to identify positive benefits–almost like the talking points are handed to them. The most blatant lie being pushed or fear mongering around marijuana use is that it will lead to accidents, crime, etc. Nearly Every state that has legalized marijuana has not seen an uptick in deaths or crime directly related to recreational adult use.

    Why is Indiana last to everything? Why aren't we looking at the 23 other states who have legalized marijuana for adult use and taking their legal framework as an example? We need to learn that fear mongering and placing high tax is not the correct strategy to realizing our states potential via adult use legalization.

  7. It doesn't matter what lawmakers think.
    It matters what the people think.
    Good luck, Indiana.
    Come visit Ohio! Bring your money! Smoke some weed!
    Maybe when your state sees how much money is leaving the state, they'll rethink their position. Conservatives are standing in your way and they value $$$ over everything.

  8. ((({{::>>>>Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.<:||)))

  9. Marijuana makes people lazy and it also put you in a dreamworld to wear every year y’all say yeah I’m gonna do this and next I’m going to do that, but the truth is you never do it because you’re constantly stoned. I used to smoke it daily, and this is coming from experience. I’m not saying that if you just do it as occasionally, you may be OK, but you do not want to develop a habit on it.

  10. More state level studies? Even though at a federal level the recommendation was schedule 3? It’s because of big pharma and Indiana loves it’s totalitarian control. We were just recently able to purchase alcohol on a Sunday. The state and all its leaders down to family court are absolutely out of touch with reality. On one hand they say they are as conservative as the Amish and then they write and maintain laws like nazis. The two things can’t be simultaneously true. Conservative government is less government, not all the rules. And if you don’t comply, they will strap you to a chair and slap the shit out of you, Elkhart city.

  11. Sounds like some politicians are on the take from organized crime that sells MJ in their state. It’s a proven fact that legalizing can reduce crime and judicial systems overload. Let’s not forget if Indy has private prisons in their state, they get massive kickbacks the more they incarcerate. When Colorado legalized MJ, within 6 months they had amassed over 6 million in tax dollars. The state had to form its own private bank to keep the revenue. Placing it in a FDIC Controlled bank the feds would automatically seize the money, a windfall for their pockets. The state at the time was utilizing the funds for helping the elderly in healthcare. As long as 90% of this tax money goes to help those in need it’s OK, however when a state starts claiming more expenses towards these tax dollars the public needs to audit the state as to how it is being spent.

  12. No one needs a study on how weed affects the young people because we are legalizing it for Adults! We are selling to Adults, It's not for kids.

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