1. Hey friends, can you believe what happened to the woman!? Let me know what you think, I love hearing from my freedom lovers. Is allowing this to happen cowardice?

  2. I have two daughters and one is about to enter sports next year (shes 5). I will NOT sit by and allow males to enter her athletic space. I dont care if people hate me for it, i will make the biggest scene every single game. I dont care. People need to start standing up for these girls.

  3. So absolutely wrong. If boys (or men) are allowed to play on girls (or women's) teams, they why even have men's and women's sports. Just have sports. Hire the strongest, fastest and best players for each team. Oh, that would exclude nearly all women, wouldn't it. And there lies the problem. Take men of women's sports. It's absolutely ridiculous that it's even allowed. Someone has a delusion that they are another gender and we are expected to follow that delusion to the point of putting women at risk. This has to be stopped.

  4. I'm not a Biden fan in any way, shit I think to my self quite often America voted for this guy and he controls the world's largest supply of nukes.
    But I can't agree with your statement that this is a Biden world as if you recall correctly Trump was asking private companies to buy TicToc to save America and now it's a Trump TicToc world. So thank him for that.

  5. It is totally adults being chicken-**it to stand up to this lunacy!!! I understand the adults are more than likely being pressured and threatened if they don't comply…GROW A PAIR PEOPLE!!! It's just going to keep happening if you don't take the initiative to say NO!!!

  6. Up here in Canada, in a town called Fergus, a โ€œ Boy โ€œ claiming to be a Female, was allowed to compete in a High School female Rugby Team game.
    You donโ€™t need much imagination to what happened!
    Totally agree, Girls/Women, simply refuse to participate and this Spook would end quickly.

  7. All this insanity should be stopped. Just because you have a mental illness does not give you the right to endanger others or negate all their training by competing unfairly. Men belong in menโ€™s sports. Trans women are NOT women. Period.

  8. I identify as a man (because I am one <checks testicles>) and played field hockey when I was a teenager. Fact is, that hit from a short corner could have knocked anyone's teeth out, no matter whether the hitter was male or female. In field hockey it's easy to hit the ball so it flies through the air, and the ball is pretty hard so getting hit can cause injuries. Many players used to wear gumshields for that reason. That said, I'm totally opposed to XY owners playing sports alongside XX owners for all the reasons given.

  9. People say that freak accidents can happen in sports what do you think will happen if college boys teams competed against middle schoole boys yes the middle school boys will get injured way more

  10. I completely agree that MEN have no business in women's sports. Let's be honest here….MOST women can't define what a woman even is. MOST women do NOT support women's sports. MOST women encourage, celebrate, and fiercely defend trans rights. Social media is rampant with WOMEN shaming men for even suggesting men and women are not equal. It's been exclusively women who have fought the system to get laws put in place to defend trans rights. It is only NOW that some women are fighting back against this lunacy but only because they are no longer benefiting from feminism and losing out to men for jobs, awards, etc. Women have been demonizing men/masculininity for decades… making up words like patriarchy, mansplaining, and toxic masculinity just so they have men to blame for their imaginary problems. WOMEN created this whole mess, and instead of taking accountability, they blame men for something men have been fighting against all this time.

  11. The only real solution I see is to let the Males have their sports, the females have their sports, then have an "it" league for all the crazies that are confused about reality.

  12. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ my thing is all them women that were playing the sport even if there wasn't a man on the field playing with them this risk would still be extremely high you're throwing around a hard ball at pretty decent speeds and them being that shocked that something like this happened rather be a man that day or a woman I find hilarious you literally signed up for a dangerous sport why'd you think was going to happen 2:28

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