Media mogul Tyler Perry talks new documentary "Maxine's Baby: The Tyler Perry Story"

Entertainment mogul Tyler Perry joins “CBS Mornings” to discuss the new documentary about his life. “Maxine’s Baby: The Tyler …


  1. I’m glad you are telling your story because we have all been through this together I feel like you are and have been my brother always been there for me and I been there for you yet knowing you unconditionally because you have been so private with us all along the journey and I am glad and so proud of you for everything you have done and accomplished I have been so blessed to have you to watch and witness your journey and even as my own journey you are life inspiring and inspirational to my life May god bless you because you deserve it

  2. I am going through this same thing because my mother told me the same thing so did my ex husband tell me I would never be nothing or even do nothing yet I raised four daughters without him or even my mom so I love you Tyler friend Perry because you been my inspiration for living my best life while struggling ❤I heart you live you because I am really grateful for you and love you and thank God i know you personally because you are telling us that truth about it wait until you hear my story I promise you that it will be a good read and story

  3. This man continues to inspire me. He inspired this poem and is absolutely a Pillar of Light to so many. I am blessed by the gift he is to this world………

    *Pillar of Light *

    Let me be your pillar of light in what seems like an endless darkness,

    Let me love you unconditionally while guiding your through the tears and heartbreak that seem to never disappear.

    I am your light, I am your hope, I am your strength, I am whatever you need me to be.

    Let me remind you that you matter, that you are worthy of endless blessings and happiness.

    I am your pure white light of everything honest, true and good that surrounds you.

    Let me wrap you in the glittering essence of love and healing.

    Let me hold you when you feel there is no one else near, let me revitalize your will to survive whatever it is, let my light shine bright, guiding you every step of the way.

    Let me wipe each tear away and replace it with the faith of what is to come.

    Let me ease this lingering gloom, let me illuminate my love into the depth of your heart and soul filling you with joy, peace and happiness.

    I will never judge you, I will never hurt you intentionally, I will never walk away leaving you all alone.

    I will be the light, the faith, the love you never knew you needed.

    Your wounds, the depth of your scars, they make you even more resilient, more precious and more beautiful than you ever imagined.

    You are so much more than you ever knew possible. You are a limitless being of God.

    You are forgiveness, You are Love, You are an adored Spirit, You are a Reason, You have a Purpose,

    You are Remarkable.

    You too are a pillar of light, illuminating every day, a shimmering glow that everyone sees.

    No more trying to dim your light, no more trying to shrink who you are, because you are a brilliant and extraordinary being meant to be here, meant to do amazing things.

    Let me be your pillar of light, always reminding you to radiate no matter what comes to dim the essence of your inspiration and love.©

    Written By: Michelle Custer 10-22-21

    #watchmeshinebrighter #empowerevolvetransform

  4. We as a people, and I am talking the Black race, we need to step up. Yes, I know, no one is the same, but I am speaking to the ones who are ruthless towards each other. If you don't stop killing and abusing our own, your day will come if you don't repent. Slavery has done a lot of damage and is still doing damage, but if you stay in your sin without a Godly conscience, there will be consequences! We fight against and abuse each other too much. The ones that are decent and trying to live in a decent way are often criticized and ostracized. We need more love towards each other. We have been bogged down so much that the generational curse is hard to go away. Please, help yourself and others. This morning I watched the Michigan man in prison is still there because of another black man that lied on him. This is an example off what I am talking about.

  5. Tyler perry and Gayle theyre friends i know they attended Diana Ross Legacy tour at Radio City Music Hall Tyler and Gayle showed up with an entourage why who's runnin behind them no one. I was there so i know

  6. No one is talking about this. That man is a legend. He is what a real man should be. All men should learn from him. With all these crisis of exes continuing abusing their spouses after they separate, TP shows that you don’t have to be an evil, vindictive, and bitter because you are no longer together. Many men vow and destroy their exes financially, mentally and emotionally including their own children their children to get at their partners. TP, Allowing his ex, the mother of his child to shed a light on his very private life, allowing her to continue shining and becoming her own star, and both continuing to talk so positively about each other, is the optimum of civility and respect every separated/divorce couple should display. Man you are not only grand (tall) but you are also grand (great). May your life example serves as a lesson for a better world.

  7. I have a lot of respect for Tyler Perry but I think HE misses the mark when he says things like "educate myself away from my blackness." the implication that blackness is somehow equated or infused with ignorance or a lack of education is absurd. He keeps perpetuating these ideas and stereotypes. It's extremely harmful and ridiculous. That's what his BLACK critics keep saying. It's an anti-black and anti-intellectual position to take.

  8. What is Gayle’s problem?! She cut her colleagues off & wouldn’t even let Tyler answer the questions. She messed up this interview. Simmer down Gayle, because of you Tyler never answered the question of if he learned things about himself doing this documentary since you decided to cut in w / your question! Who does that?!?!

  9. "I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, til he please.🙏🏽🧡- Song of Solomon 2:7 Awww it was SO GOOD to see Tyler Perry and Gayle King discussing his documentary. Good friends…THAT THEY ARE. …TRUST HIM Hallelujah! ❤
    They all did a great job with the interview. Enjoyed it!

  10. The world is really blessed to have someone like you Tyler ❤❤. Lot, n lot of people who shy away from where we really come from, it really is great to see people like him who keep reminding us of our history.

    God bless you sir and your loved ones ❤❤

  11. I thank God for I think God for making Maxine I think God for mixing making Tyler Perry and I think God that Tyler perry touches all of us especially me. Thank you Tyler Perry. I love you and God bless with much does this prosperity, perfect health and wealth❤2❤

  12. The white male reporter needs to stop talking over people. Let him talk. This isn’t the only interview he does this in. Why can’t Gayle just interview them.

  13. Love Tyler. I believe his father saw his potential from day one. He knew his son would soar in ways he never would. His jealousy brought the nastiness and hatred out in him. Too many men wallow in their sorrows and tough times and use it as an excuse. Our pain is so often our purpose. Pick yourself up, brush yourself off. Step up and step out.

  14. Tyler Perry is an amazing person. I don't know him personally but, to know what he's endured and overcome, remained focused and accomplished. An inspiration to many.

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