Overdoses from marijuana edibles rise in children

There’s a rising trend in young children accidentally consuming marijuana edibles at home. Doctors are warning parents to keep …


  1. They should discontinue thc from children's, no wonder, they are out of control everywhere plus violence. Disrespectful to adult knocking doors, running away breaking windows,
    Looking for arguments, with adults seniors.

  2. I ate a half a thc gummy 2 days ago at night before I went to bed. I woke up feeling barely alive. It didn't help me sleep like it was suggested it would do, it made me feel super nauseated, like I couldn't breathe properly, felt very weak in the morning, lack of focus, slurred speech, feeling like I would pass out on my feet. Can't imagine a kid eating 15 of them. Crazy.

  3. Ive been a marijuana user for decades. Why it's legal to make gummy and other candy type products with THC in them still blows mind. Kids can't roll a joint, or load a bowl, keep it for adults and stop with the edibles that kids are attracted to, not knowing they arent normal candy. If idiot gun owners can't keep their kids from accessing them, what do you think is going to happen with edibles? Smh.

  4. I am here to tell my story. My wife took 1 (ONE) gummy of THC0 last Saturday. The label said "to Help to Sleep" – Was her first time trying it. Was 10:30 pm, she start having a sequence of reactions, like epilepsy. Her body was shaking, her heart beat up to 100s (her avg is the 70s), and she lost control of her body, at 11 pm I called 911. They came and took her to the Methodist and over there, they ran lots of fluids and medications through her system. Around 4:15 she woke up. She recovered control over her body to be able to stand up by herself only around 7 hours later. She never smokes, and she drinks avg. 2 glasses of wine /per week. She is not on medications, is 46 years old, super healthy. The documentation from Houston Methodist is stating a "Drug Overdose". Again: 1 single gummy. The bottle says: 900mg / 50mg per gummy – D8 + D10 + THC-0 – The name is "Sticky Green, Mega Mix Gummies – Green Apple – 18ct – Vegan – Please. If you find this product, DON`T TAKE IT. The gummy has a triangle shape. Every person could react differently, in her case, was almost dead. She was saved by the team on Methodist. Thank you.

  5. How dare the adults/parents who try to blame manufacturers for their own idiotic behavior in not placing the drug out of reach of their children. Everyone wants to shift the blame for a lawsuit payout.

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