Sleep Paralysis | The Waking NIGHTMARE

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  1. This used to happen to me but I my willpower was so strong I just lifted my hand and tried attacking the invisible being. That’s how I got over sleep paralysis and now I don’t get them anymore because it’s become reflex now. But I don’t know how I can over come gaba and other neurotransmitters if they’re supposed to stop me from moving in the video. Which didn’t make sense for me

  2. No! REM does not make you dream your dreaming causes the REM. You're f*** up if you think this happens any other way. Just because this guy's a doctor doesn't mean he knows what the f*** he's talking about, and the way he described REM is a perfect example ¿`_

  3. Its happened to me a few times but I'm sure it's because I'm super stressed. But I'd not describe it as something on my chest. It just feels like i literally cannot move and have "seen" something 1 time but more commonly i "hear" things and have an assumption of things around me or situations. The situations usually being my dreams continued or like someone who i live with or a random identity nearby or nothing. It mainly feels like a conciousness of i can wake and am waking but cannot move but i realize i can try harder if i want and it takes a bit of time and force but i get myself out. I dont necessarily consider it scary so much as potentially taking my rested feeling or a little fun I'll admit but just something i have from time to time.

  4. I had sleep paralysis for 7 years and it wasn't a creature sitting on my chest.
    I sleep face down, so for me it was a monster climbing on my bed and then on my back. Most times I would feel it chewing the flesh off my back or clawing through my skin. It also didn't last a few seconds, it was a long time.
    It only happened once a night, so I learned to go to bed 1 hour earlier than planned, just to get it over with and then have normal sleep.
    How I got it to stop is too crazy of a story to mention here.

  5. Sleep paralysis has happened to me a few times and I almost always just fall back asleep or wake up without anything other than a feeling of paralysis or sedation.

    One particularly interesting time though, there was a giant snake that I noticed next to my bed which crawled up onto the bed and proceeded to slowly eat me whole. That wasn't even the weirdest part though. It was that I felt so tired, I somehow wasn't scared and just let it happen. After it ate me and I was laying inside it's stomach for a bit, I entered in a random normal dream I don't remember anything about.

  6. I've had many episodes of sleep paralysis and it's terrifying. I awoke unable to breathe. I decided to wake my husband for help but was paralyzed. I wanted to scream but I couldn't make any noise. I used to dread having to sleep because I was sure I was going to die. As I laid there short of breath and unable to move, I thought, "This is home I'm going to die." The episodes probably lasted a minute or two but they seemed like forever. I had such high anxiety about having to sleep. Thankfully, I haven't had an episode in nearly 20 years.

  7. I used to have strong issues with sleep paralysis, night terrors, and nightmares.

    They started when I was around 14yo because of the combination of severe family issues (including violence) and well, the teenager life in general.

    During that period of time, I was completely sure I was haunted by demons. It was normal for me to hallucinate voices, steps, my door being knocked, shadows, and many other things you would see in a horror movie while being terrified on my bed at night.

    Also, it was very important to me being a "cool kid" in school, and I didn't receive healthy attention from my parents, so I just hid all that stuff for years.

    Thanks to educational Youtube channels like this one (sadly, not school), I learned about mental disorders in general and decided to go to psychological therapy when I was around 18yo.

    At the time, I had many mental issues, but in therapy, I learned about sleeping disorders and what to do about them.

    After around 4-5 therapy years of learning a lot, changing habits, ways of thinking and feeling, and restructuring my social and personal life in general, I managed to finally overcome my sleeping disorders.

    Also, as I improved my sleeping, my depression and anxiety problems slowly faded away, and nowadays, I can say I'm a very healthy and happy man.

    If you are reading this and also have sleeping disorders, KNOW that you can do MANY things about it, you are not alone, and I know I'm about to sound like TV commercials, but really fixing your sleep can be the first (in my case the most important) step into fixing your mental and physical health.

  8. For me the only sleep paralysis experience I've had was right after watching the movie: The Incredibles. So I had Mr. Incredible sitting on my chest which made me laugh so hard it immediately went away

  9. I used to have sleep paralysis episodes several times a week. I got shown a variety of hallucinations. Sometimes there would be a figure watching me, or spooky glyphs on the walls and the sound of a door knocking. The scariest one I got was when I was napping in the car and I woke to find visible gas entering from my car window, I legit thought I was being drugged and my life was in danger.

    I got them so often that I managed to experiment around with it. I can move while in sleep paralysis, but it takes an exhausting amount of effort and all it does is make my body twitch. If I do it enough I can wake myself up and I found it easiest to wake by turning my head. The force I feel I'm using when I do it is as if I'm trying to snap my own neck, but in reality all my neck does is a sudden twitch. I usually come out of it completely winded but nothing beats feeling like I can't breathe.

  10. My sleep parslysis kicks in pretty much any time I have a bad dream. Its never demons but its always some awful outcome for me.

    One time I was being chased by a bee and im allergic so I was terrified. As I ran I tripped and fell. My legs felt like cement. As the bee got closer i started to wake up but still paralyzed so Im just locked into my body, screaming inside because I cant move.

    All kinds of stuff like that. Dog attacks. Drowning. Re experiencing my middle school bullies. A few days ago it was a drewm where I did some petty crime (idr what) and i would've had to spend 1 day in jail. Me never have gotten a speeding ticket or ever been to jail, i panicked so i fled the cops and made it 100x worse. As I get caught by the cops and the gravity of how screwed i am sets in, the sleep paralysis kicks in too. Locked in my body freaking out trying to escape this awful situation I never want to live through.

    Been that way for at least a decade.

  11. I've experienced sleep paralysis the first time in college and it was a heavy demon like creature on my chest and I couldn't breathe. It freaked me out and the next day I looked it up online and when I discovered it was sleep paralysis it made me feel better. I've experienced it so many times since then it doesn't freak me out necessarily anymore, and I'm able to yell myself awake. Most of the time I'm having some kind of nightmare but it's always different each time. I've noticed when I'm feeling extremely stressed out it's more likely to happen. Also more likely to happen if I had a weekend bender like after a friend's bachelor party with lots of alcohol involved

  12. During S.P. you are attacked by shadow beings that feed on your negative vibrations/energy (fear, despair, terror…)
    This is what mainstream science will never find out

  13. Science DOES NOT explain the fear and terror that you feel during sleep paralysis.
    Also, Science doesn't explain the fact that if it's half sleep state, but there is NEVER a feel of happiness but ALWAYS a feeling of terror.
    Hence science explanation is limited and NOT conclusive

  14. My sleep paralysis is so different. I can’t open my eyes. I know I’m awake but my brain is creating crazy scenarios that feel real. One time I “woke up” but was dreaming the world was ending. The earth literally exploding and tearing apart. I could feel myself being ripped around and the noise was soooo loud. I just wanted to open my eyes because I knew I was awake and it was just my brain but it took a good few minutes before I could open my eyes and see my room.

  15. I will never forget the worst time I had it was when I was a teenager. I swore I was awake, laying in my bed, watching a little goblin like creature come up to the top of the stairs, then suddenly pounce on me and sink its teeth into my neck while making a high pitched scream. I had turned my head away from it before it got to me, but even as I became more awake, I still felt something grabbing my right shoulder and digging into my neck, and my right ear hurt as if someone had screamed into it. I very slowly turned my head to the right, and there was absolutely nothing there and the pain disappeared. It was the most realistic nightmare I have ever experienced. I did have one of the chest ones too, with a cat trying to steal my breath…..but that one wasn't as intense.

  16. I dont think people are awake on sleep paralysis tho… i just woke up from one and my cat, who has been sleeping on my bed the entire time, was not there. And when it was over my cat was in the same spot unmoved… and i do remember waking up after it even tho before the paralysis i had seemed to wake up… your muscles can definately be paralysed at this moment but i dont think anyone is rlly awake…
    Ive had moments where i had slept walked and had a full on conversation with my mom… i knew i wasnt awake because she asked me why i was up so early… she told me my eyes were open and everything… i feel the same could happen here, except you could possibly see what it is around you…

    Only a speculation because the beginning of all my dream loops start off in my bed as i was before i had fallen asleep…. your memory is a great thing

  17. Not everyone has a "demon" in sleep paralysis… i feel like its strange how common that is though… ive never had a "demon" i would just be paralysed or have dream loops that are from 3-17 loops..

    i want to know other people's experiences, and the people with demons, what does yours look like?

  18. This happens to me quite a bit. I've never experienced any entities. But I know right when it's about it happen. I hear a buzzing noise like standing under a powerline, it gets louder and sharper then bam! Paralysis. The buzzing seems disappear & turn into vibration throughout my body like when your hand or leg "falls asleep." It seems i get up and walk around but everything is blue, like looking through blue lenses. At times it feels like I'm awake until i go to flip a light switch and the lights don't come on then I realize I'm still in paralysis, sometimes it's like the movie Inception, waking upon waking upon waking. I've sort of learned to control it, I can read, write, tell time, some of the memories are as if it was a real moment of being awake. I wake myself by twitching my writsts, imagining playing the piano. When I do wake it feels like I'm drugged up, tired and drowsy af. It's some gnarly shit.

  19. Happened to me once about 14 years ago, it was a very scary experience, the old hag was definitely there and the weird thing is I never heard of any of it before, after I woke up I looked it up and found people recanting the same experience I had, right down to the old hag sitting on my chest making it hard to breath

  20. I had them 4-6 times a week for years. It always happened daytime when I fell asleep after a long day at school when I got home. They lasted for a long time, often with multiple false awakenings which was very scary. It went away the day I started taking ADHD medication.

  21. This has happened to me a handful of times throughout my life. My breathing has never felt restricted. I would just be fully awake but unable to move, couldn't even open my eyes lolz.

  22. Happened to me a year ago and only once. I was sleep deprived and was sleeping alone one night when i heard my sister speak to me and come near my pillow but realised that my sister was out of city and whoever that was had been standing behind my bed.. Never felt so much fear that I cry till this day while recalling it. Took close to a week to understand it was nothing but sleep paralysis.

  23. I've had them off and on for years. Laying there, trying to scream for my partner, unable to make more than a slight wheezing sound when trying to scream, it's not fun. I'm on some meds that seem to help now. It's far less often.

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