Spice: The Synthetic Drug Destroying Lives (REDO)

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  1. I used to smoke this stuff every Saturday (sometimes once, sometimes twice on Saturday) and on the occasional holidays and Sundays. I've had frightening trips and profound healing trips along with many weird occurrences. And Monday thru Friday I was at work, so did not smoke it on weekdays. On Sundays I had to run errands among other things so did not (usually) do it on Sundays.

    Reading the comments, I see that maybe if I hadn't respected my job and had smoked it more than once a week, I would have been in trouble. I was not sharp on Sundays (the next day). it did negatively affect my sharpness at work even though I smoked it only once a week.

    They banned it in my city after 9 months or so and I was forced to quit it. I don't think I would have quit it had they not banned it.

    It's not for everyone, but I loved it.

  2. Good video, I wish you would have explored the full agonist effects of synthetic cannabinoids a little more. That's why they can be so much more addictive, the high is intense but disappears quickly. With THC the partial agonism makes the high less intense but longer. It's similar to how crack is so much more addictive than cocaine.

  3. I've been in the mental health circuit for some time and have been hospitalized a few times over the last decade. The stories I've heard from other people in those hospitals are incredible, most of them were there for drugs/alcohol, but I saw 10 or so young folks who were there for taking spice just one time and having a psychotic episode. I saw them trembling and drooling a day or two after smoking the stuff. I heard from more than a few hard drug users who would say they would much rather take meth before they took spice, because of what they had seen it do to people in the homeless camps they had been in. I heard stories of good friends dying from it, and how it would instantly change a man's personality. It is a terrible thing. Why would you do it?

  4. Im 41 and have been a stoner since i was 14 never met anyone that weed has fucked up …i know 7 people who are now in full time care in mental health facilities due to spice …bad bad drug

  5. A very thought-provoking video.
    I'm in NZ and I've just started taking CBD (on prescription) for sleep problems. It's obtained from the plant and I'm hugely grateful to the company that grows and extracts the CBD and the doctors and nurses who prescribe it.
    Having now had first-hand experience of taking a weed product, I'm an even stronger fan of legalisation than I was before (and I was super-pro-legalisation even then).
    At least "the door is open" now, with weed products being legal on prescription, and hopefully it's just a matter of time now before common-sense reigns and cannabis is fully legalised here, as it has been in other places.

  6. I work in supportive housing in nyc and k2 is many low income folks’ escape – and I don’t even understand why bc it literally makes them experience symptoms of schizophrenia and have cognitive issues. I have one client that will speak with me and then suddenly forget we were talking and will say hi to me about 15 times and ask me how he got there with me – it’s hard to tell if someone needs medical attention or just needs to ride the high out when they act like this. I didn’t know people died from k2 tho. I haven’t seen that yet and I hope I never will

  7. It’s good that it’s been criminalized. It means kids can’t get ahold of it as easily as they could before. Decriminalizing didn’t work. It was causing deaths while it was legal.

  8. Is it still a thing? I know out in IL it was big a bit more than a decade ago. Idk about anymore. Most people kinda dropped it. But i did enjoy it. It was prolly unsafe. Definately addictive and needed to be smoked like alcohol. You couldnt just smoke a couple bowlpacks. Youd feel…awful. i knew how to make it safe as an experience minus any health issues. Glad its not big in my area though. And my enjoyment is a bias

  9. I used to be addicted to spice. JWH-18 hit me right every time. When it was banned, and the other jwh compounds hit the market, it turned into a crap shoot. A new jwh would come out and then get banned, and so on. One analogue may have almost no effect, the next one might get you stoned, or maybe it would completely zombify you. Some dealers would exploit this, sell the mark some of this paralyzing variety and follow them until they get stuck and then rob them of everything in broad daylight, on the downlow. No honor amongst thieves.

  10. i got addicted to this shit when i quit weed to pass a drug test for a better job ik it was stupid but this shit is no joke was hard to quit the one thing i wish i never smoke thank god i got off if

  11. This stuff ruined my marriage to my high school sweetheart and turned my children’s father into a drug addict.
    Thank you for making this to inform people.
    People look at me like I made it up when I tell them this was the drug he was addicted to.

  12. They mix it with weed to increase the hit but regular stoners don't know when they buy it! I got caught out a couple of times and I will never take the risk of buy or smoking weed again. It's like your spirit is being taken over and you are just a passenger in your own body! Horrible feeling that I can't risk going through again.

  13. I always say: Do real drugs, the classics, weed, amphetamines and ecstasy, lsd or mescaline, but no opioides and no chemical research drugs .I don't want to explicitly recommend anyone to take drugs at all, but if you do, then at least take the long-established classics. I have been taking drugs regularly for over 25 years. Mainly weed and methamphetamine. Occasionally ecstasy or the occasional hit of cocaine. Twice a year I also find magic mushrooms quite good. But I've never completely overdone it, and I've enjoyed it 99% of the time because I've never had the ambition to try the really bad stuff. So find out beforehand what you want to take and what the consequences might be. With kind regards

  14. Spice originally wasn’t anywhere near as bad , in order for it to remain legal the chemists had to keep changing its chemical structure to stay one step ahead of the law , went from something that was pleasant like smoking normal marijuana to something that resembles heroin .
    They made a variety called Black Mamba which was absolutely horrible and I had a friend of a friend who ended up in hospital after smoking it .
    Most of the legal highs are far worse than illegal drugs .
    Nowadays I don’t touch a thing not even alcohol let being straight and healthy be your high . 😁👍🇬🇧

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