The 9 Amazing Benefits and Uses of CBG | OnlineMedicalCard

It’s now clear to most of the cannabis community that CBD and THC aren’t the only cannabinoids of the cannabis plant. There’s a …


  1. Im having inguinal hernia surgery on the 13th they probably will give me opiods for pain. I bought CBD+CBG gummies from My Pain center. I heard you shouldn't take CBD with opiods because the CBD tries to get into liver and dominate so opiods build up in system

  2. CBG is a very low thc product and Lower than CBD. Absolutely non psychoactive. This is a great tobacco alternative. But the problem is along with CBD is that THC is THC, no matter what. With that said, as a smoker, why pass a bill in all 50 states making hemp legal but not protect us from losing our jobs for having THC in our system? Test only knows THC, not the source. It's a darn shame that the THC in hemp can get you fired just the same as Marijuana, furthermore, getting fired for THC and you never got high. That needs to be fixed. I've enjoyed CBD and crossed over to CBG because it can clear from your system a lot quicker. I enjoy the taste. Getting high is not at my best interest anymore after messing with CBD and now CBG. I can smoke it and still be in the right frame of mind for work. Our government needs to fix this.

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