1. 9:47 Your videos are always great, but the part that seems to shine through is your ability to be level-headed and find positivity in things others would just condemn as 'bad.' I like that you see the world as the complicated, nuanced thing it is.

  2. I can prove puppies are Hitler. Where did Hitler’s Adams go after he died? Well, they went in other things. So a puppy could be carrying the atoms of Hitler, which means a puppy is Hitler.

  3. My question is where do people even get the idea that population growth is a bad thing? No I’m serious. Population growth was a bad thing never. Now if we were at, let’s say I don’t know 15 billion or something, we have a serious problem, but right now, we are in a position where humanity is slowly declining. We’ve got a problem. Look at Japan, their population is overpowered with elderly. Because no one‘s having kids. South Korea is going through something similar. Iran, oh my God is Iran in trouble. And the list goes on. Why are people afraid of a population growth? What do they think? Going to happen when they retire, there’s going to be no new labor to take over, which means , big problems in society. How do they think their pension is going to exist without new labor to work the system. I swear people are stupid. They don’t think ahead. Where do they think new cures for diseases are gonna come from once doctors pass away. We’re gonna need new doctors. And that includes we’re gonna need new engineers, new scientists of all kinds, and so on because without a population, that’s growing, you have less and less of the minority, which are the people who build the society instead of just the people that consume it, like the geologist, the quantum physicist, the musicians, and so on. And we need a growing population to keep creating these kind of people that allow the rest of us to do our thing.

  4. Don't you have anything better to do

    I wish that someone could hug you

    Must be lonely

    Being angry

    Feeling over-looked

    You sit alone at home in the darkness

    With all the pent-up rage that you harness

    I'm real sorry

    'Bout whatever happened to you
    —Courtney Barnett

  5. I don't usually comment, but that ending had me tearing up in a good way. Thank you for your videos; they shed positivity in my life when I get in a rut, and help me see things from a fresher perspective. ❤‍🩹

  6. This was really good.
    I like to look at statistics about bad stuff and "moral panics", and it always turns out that, over all, things are getting better, and things continue to get better. I was a teenager/young adult around acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer, and that shit was gonna kill just about everything (and it could have), but we stopped doing a few things and diverted the problem; it's still a problem, but in comparison, well there is no comparison. The same can be done, and is being done, with the climate crisis. More and more folks are choosing ethical and sustainable products and that is going to continue to increase, so corporations HAVE to get in line if they want to continue to compete, and it can't be "greenwashing" because we all see through that shit.
    I liked the epilogue, maybe dude was having a bad day, but there is a loud minority out there that loves the spread of misery and doom and they should not get a pass.
    I've watched a lot of your videos and they're really well done and thought provoking, but I'm not entirely sure that you're not starting a cult. I'm sure that it would be a nice, benign cult … to start with … but I'll hold off on subscribing.
    Keep up the good work.

  7. This video was massively insightful. My partner has ADHD, so doomscrolling is something she's very much aware of, she feels she needs that constant income of dopamine, and feels that constantly scrolling on social media is how she can achieve it… She also knows this isn't the healthiest way about it.

    More recently though, in the midst of the conflict between Israel and Gaza, she's constantly scrolling for updates (and, in turn, bad news). First thing in the morning, all throughout the day, even as I'm trying to get to sleep. She'll then constantly feed me each and every tidbit of information she's finding on it, how many casualties there are, what large cap companies are doing in reaction, what the governments are doing about it, what this means for our country, what this means for the world, what this means for us as individuals, the list goes on. And whilst I can see the importance of educating oneself and how dangerous and easy it is to bury our heads in the sand and pretend it isn't happening (I'm much more the modest approach of offline news I seek myself and slow-journalism intake), but I've realised just how hard and fast the sense of depression has begun sinking in, courtesy of my partner constantly shoving this news down my throat, and if/when I communicate that I'd rather not talk about it, or get into a full-blown discussion of it, she'll respond with, "I'm sorry THIS is an inconvenience on your day when there are people out there dying!" or she'll respond in a way that my stone-walling or deflection is me telling her she's wrong. She isn't wrong, but her approach to expecting me to absorb ALL of this news at the pace she is, that's wrong. Whilst I feel I could do more to educate myself on the world's current events, I'm glad doom-scrolling isn't nearly as prevalent in my life as it is in hers. I genuinely feel as though it massively feeds anxiety and depression, and that opting not to sink into that side of social media or any media in general is healthy. Everything in moderation, basically!

  8. I wanted to mention the fact that the comment that guy made about the ethical implications of birthing a child into a climate apocalypse did not necessarily blame babies or the people who create them for the state of the climate. Rather, it blamed parents for bringing babies into a world that, as far as they see it, will soon be unsuitable for sustaining a lifestyle that is worth living through. They're saying that your child would be better off not existing than having to struggle through the oncoming climate apocalypse and water wars, for they anticipate a future in which there will be so much suffering that people would be better off never existing to begin with. Nowhere in their comment did they ever imply that you were responsible for the apocalypse they anticipate. They're saying you're responsible for needlessly adding suffering to the world by creating another victim of these events that they're certain will happen, whereas through adoption, you'd at least not be actively adding to the people who will have to suffer through our near-future, as at least you'd be helping out someone who is unfortunate enough to already be here with us.

    So the whole "punching babies" bit you were doing there doesn't make a whole lot of sense if it's supposed to be in response to that commenter, as they were simply expressing the view that parents are needlessly subjecting their children to torture by forcing them to exist on a dying planet. According to the logic they appear to be operating on, when constructing a bit to poke fun at them with, it'd make a lot more sense to suggest that they think it'd be appropriate to punch the parent(s) whenever you see a child, as they're suggesting that procreating at this moment in history is essentially abusing your child, and that bringing someone into existence is a cruel thing to do to the person you're creating.

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