The True Existential Threat Hamas and All Anti-Jewish Sentiment Poses to Israel, with Michael Oren

Megyn Kelly is joined by Michael Oren, former Israel Ambassador to the United States, to discuss the true threats Hamas and …


  1. I was in London when they protested . They weren't all there for Palestine there was BLM , police violence, and animal testing. Plus many Instagram protesters . There was even a lot of LGBTQ+ community supporting Palestine

  2. Not all muslims are alike and there are 1.8 muslims in the world so they are large and diverse.
    And the game that is being played here is "Not all Muslims are alike."
    Islam is a lot diverse so they have a
    Political Islam
    Militant islan
    Shia Islam
    Sunni Islam
    Sufi islam
    Arab Muslim
    African Muslims
    Asian Muslims
    So, I don't care about any of it. I care about what they say about me "THE KAFFIR"
    I am not an infidel and
    I am not an unbeliever
    I am a kaffir and once you are talking about me I have an investment in that.
    So, I am not interested about them I'm interested about me and what they say about the Kaffirs and how they treat the kaffirs and what is the prescribed treatment of Kaffirs in Islam.
    And in that regard the doctrine is pretty clear on the treatment of Kaffirs.
    The simple fact is Islam has gone from barbarism to decadence without any civilization in between.

  3. Reminder, Israel have mandatory service for both men AND WOMEN. This conflict touches me personally because December 2022, I was there and walked the streets of Israel, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, West Banks and Ramallah, Palestine. I was told the story of Jesus birth from both the Jewish and Palestinian points of view. I was interesting.

  4. Guess who get caught in the middle? What about Bethleham? Bethleham is located in the West Bank which is controlled by the elected Harmass government of Palestine. Human shields besides being extorted for protection money…To make matters worse, extermist radical Jewish followers trying to wipe out Christian too… Christian money being diverted so what is new…

  5. The Middle East catastrophe could be leading up to Ezekiel 38. This war is not Armegeddon because Jesus does not return, the Mt. of Olives does not split open. Instead God defeats Gog, Magog, etc by a great earthquake and rain, hail and sulfur fire.
    And after, the nations will finally learn that God favours Israel and it is He that has established them in the land.

  6. Let's reach out to John Fetterman. He's an amazing statesman who has a vast amount of knowledge on this subject. Thank you wise voters of Pennsylvania for electing such an intelligent, well spoken man.

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