WEED: A Dr. Sanjay Gupta Special

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta cuts through the smoke and travels around the world to uncover the highs and lows of WEED.


  1. When is Dr Sanjay Gupta coming out with the follow up to WEED? You know, the truth about curing ALL cancer. We know he knows the truth, so now we are just wondering when the truth will come out, for everyone to hear. For those that don't believe, the government has known for 40 years, that cannabis oil/RSO cures cancer…let that sink in….while you're searching to prove me wrong.

  2. Accept that nobody knows you, your life does not make a difference in the world and everything you ever worked for is worthless. Haha you must feel like shit! XD

  3. Yes, I just want to be high, and I know it! So? You just want to be a whiny miserable little bitch who thinks she can make a difference by commenting on youtube videos all day.. Haha get a job!

  4. I bet you are from one of those silly religious cults or something, i hate all religions and think that are all evil hypocritical story's made up to scare gullible people.

  5. then uve sadly wasted 10 years of your life, drugs and alcohol will never go away… weed is illegal in most places currently yet see how its everywhere? people will get what they want, no i haven't read anything uve written because it is probably based of a religion instead of actual facts. morals, values and common sense have nothing to do with this…. worst troll ever. u should probably try waking up and realizing the war on drugs has been long dead.

  6. Is a person mentality make them do things that are not right,weed is the healing of the nation!!I'm from a third world country where we have hard working man who smoke weed,and they even work harder when they smoke!so when they say weed many people drop out of school and stop do what is right,that dont realy make sense!!is just a person mentality!most of them live with parent so they just tell them self mom or dad will take care of them!!responsible people who oke weed never get affected never!

  7. I am appalled by the ignorance in this statement this is just a perfect example of why people do not know the truth about this medicine. yes the study is probably true but all the participants in the study were heavy smokers that smoked multiple times a day. Cannabis used in moderation is completely healthy for a person. If and only if you make the decision to abuse it thats when it can become a problem

  8. Sorry he is right , The CBD's or the endocannabinoids, mainly CB1 and CB2 that have a medicinal effect and allow abnormal cells to die.
    THC is the psychoactive part that will make you think with more clarity and imagination, plus it makes you feel good at the same time. 🙂

  9. PLEASE PLEASE stop calling it Marijuana!. Marijuana is a wild Mexican tobacco and nothing to do with cannabis/hemp. Marijuana is the name the US government use to help get it made illegal in the first place, that name is one of the biggest contributing factors to this plants prohibition, call it what you will but don't call it that please, it's an insult to all cannabis stands for.

  10. im surprised. my mom got shocked when she received the ipad3 from this website on behalf of me. just listen for now, never forget to fill with your mail id and ph number. dont run away have a try now >-> bit.ly/14pVoBS?=rnfgru

  11. The only way pot will show up 6 months after using is in a long-term hair test.
    And even in that case, your hair would have to be long enough to have 6 months worth of chemical history in the strands.

    I suggest doing some basic research before spouting off bullshit.

  12. Yes, there should be regulation on marijuana if it is legalized.
    It is an intoxicant, much the same as alcohol. I'm all for legalization across the board (for medical and recreational use), but I don't want my teenager smoking pot, the same as I wouldn't want them doing Jello shots.

    And yes, home-grown veggies ARE regulated by the FDA if they are marketed for sale. There are quality and safety standards that must be adhered to if the produce is for sale. Eat it yourself, and nobody cares.

  13. I think everyone that has had their life damaged in some way due to draconian marijuana laws should sue the bastards responsible for their pain.

    Hopefully all the bad politics will go up in smoke real soon…

  14. THC is also .. it makes some cancer cells to commit suicide .. autophagy … it gives signal to the bad cell to produce ceramide which kills it, and leaves the healthy cells alive ..

  15. The dichotomy between recreational and medical use is useful for the legalization movement as a whole. It is always going to be easier to convince people of the medical applications first and get them to vote on that.

    This dichotomy must be especially annoying living in Oregon as that was the only state of the 3 that attempted it to fail to pass recreational use, but in the long run ensuring that the dialogue is such will mean a larger overall base for medical and eventually total legalization.

  16. Why wait to be sick to use this medicine? There seems to be a stigma if you use it for so called "recreational use" Does it loose it's healing properties and benefits if you use if for recreational versus medical? I highly doubt it! We take vitamins to keep our bodies healthy even though we are not sick. Why not use cannabis as a preventative medicine so we don't get sick at all?

  17. Can't wait to watch! Had the pleasure of appearing with Dr. Sanjay Gupta recently on the Katie Couric Show with my daughter Aimee Shuman. He was so great! Thrilled to see the mainstream media FINALLY listening! Cannabis is a miracle plant.
    Cheryl Shuman
    Beverly Hills Cannabis Club (.) c o m 🙂

  18. Caffeine is MORE addictive than weed. I know I was addicted because I had to quit drinking coffee due to some stomach problems. I had horrible back and leg pain for about a month after I quit. Weed doesn't do that.

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