1. A) You can grow only 6 plants at home (indoor) but it will be taxed. So ALL growers will be taxed on what they grown. Flowers and leaves (trim).

    B) If you're under 21 and get caught in possession or under the influence you can be arrested and charged with a crime. (currently this is not the case even without a medical card up to an ounce is an infraction like a Jay walking ticket)

    C) Cities will be able to outright ban the sale and use.

    D) The only way to change the bill after its passed will be a majority vote by the legislation. (that means big money has all control not the people)

    I will be voting no on this proposition and hope something much better comes next time we vote in 2 years.

  2. It will regulate it in such a manner that only big companies will profit like tobacco companies. It will increase the price by 400% to start. If you have plants at home you will be breaking the law if they are not locked up or grown indoors (power companies profit big time). Prohibits a grower from selling his product except to the stores where the growers make a fraction of 1% of what it sells for, makes the (growers slaves). they want to make it illegal to puff and drive when Olympians have won gold high as fuck, with new breathalyzers for weed.

  3. So what I want to know is if tey set a rule that you can only grow six plants of cannabis in your home at a time…If you decide to grow seven, will the DEA raid your home? How will it be possible to know just how many plants are being grown in someone home? Will there be inspections for people who decide to grow in their home? Will there be criminal charges if someone where to grow too much? Will the DEA still try to make money from private growers by enforcing arbitray rules, and bust anyone who does not follow? Will the DEA ever stop trying to profit from cannabis?

  4. Prop 64 only made it on the ballot because there are special interests who are out to make huge sums of money by
    growing and selling marijuana. I am not convinced that anyone supporting the issue has really given adequate consideration to the potential negative health and social consequences of increased availability and consumption of marijuana.
    I think more research is needed to understand the potential for permanent damage to the adolescent brain before we adopt public policy that is likely to increase the availability and consumption of marijuana.
    I am very concerned that the proposition allows advertising and promotion of Marijuana use. We should be
    further limiting advertising and marketing of Tobacco and Alcohol not passing laws that allowing a newmarketing effort for marijuana. I would support a much simpler proposition that would allow those already using to continue without fear of prosecution, but would not create a profit motive to recruit millions of new smokers. Marijuana should not be made into a legitimate business.
    There are three major issues that need to be addressed by new legislation:1. No one over 21 shall face any legal consequence for using marijuana,
    cultivating less than 6 plants of marijuana on private property, or possessing
    less than 2 pounds of marijuana on private property or less than one ounce on
    public property. 2. Anyone currently incarcerated or being prosecuted for possession of use of marijuana will be
    released if the circumstances surrounding their prosecution would not constitute
    a crime under the proposed law. 3. It is illegal to sell or offer for sale Marijuana except as allowed by the Medical
    Marijuana regulations.

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