What Happens if You Consumed Omega-3 Fish Oils for 30 Days

70% of the population is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids. Find out why and what would happen if you started consuming more …


  1. I think while explaining the part of omega 3:omega 6 ratio you meant to write at (6:47 ) the ratio as 1: 30 when we have too much of omega 6 and not 30:1 , but nonetheless I love your videos 🙂 thank you for sharing your knowledge 😊

  2. I have been doing Omega 3 Krill for 10 years but u did not mention if it is bad or good for you. I'm guessing it's real good because I feel great, my thinking is way better and my eye sight is almost 20-20 when it was as bad as -2.25 0n one eye and -2.50 in the other. Is Krill a good oil?

  3. Do you think fish oil could possibly help with my ADHD/ADD? If so is there anything you'd personally recommend? Love the videos btw, very informative.

  4. 00:04 Omega-3 fish oils are essential and most people are deficient in them
    01:01 Consuming fatty fish and other omega-3-rich foods can help reduce inflammation and improve brain health.
    02:03 Cod liver oil is beneficial for kids and has been used for many health benefits in Nordic countries.
    02:55 Omega-3 fish oils have multiple health benefits
    04:02 Omega-3 fatty acids have multiple benefits including reducing liver fat, increasing calcium absorption, reducing cramps, aiding sleep, and decreasing cancer risk.
    05:03 Omega-3 blood test and alternative sources
    06:00 Consuming too much omega-6 fatty acids can lead to omega-3 deficiency.
    06:58 Omega-3 fatty acids absorption can be improved by adding purified bile salt as a supplement.
    Crafted by Merlin AI.

  5. Hey doc I hope you are fine I just have one question my age is 19 I started gym like 6 months ago added some whey in my diet got good results but weakness too in my legs joints elbows now what I want to know or get aware of is should I take multivitamins and omega 3 fish oil please do reply as soon as possible

  6. You die. (jk obviously).

    On a serious note, can you take the omega 3 pill for long term or entire life ?
    Or is it recommended to take it for some time then stop, then repeat like for instance: take 1 daily for 6 months, stop 3 months, then start again

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