1. I’m curious here – what age can I start to smoke it? Like I don’t want to be slow or anything when I’m an adult but I also wanna try this stuff. I’m currently 14 (and don’t plan to smoke anything until I’m like 15, 16) but if I get offered it I’m prolly gonna take it. I don’t want to damage my brain; help? What age will I be ok?

  2. The therapeutic property's are good and I support the use of it, what I don't agree with is retards using THC to get high and fill their addictions and i have spoken to people who smoke weed medically but it still has the THC in it, and they always say "I'm going to get high soon" They don't use it for medical reasons if they did they wouldn't say they where going to use it to get high, fuck those drug addicts 😂😂😂😂😂

  3. FYI marijuana is a term with racist origins. The term was not coined (as we use it – the earliest variation was said to mean prisioner in Nahuatl) by a spanish speaking person but the U.S. govt/ media when trying to make it a racial issue so that they could ban it and arrest blk and brown people. Please educate yourself if you dont know. If you want to use the more accepting scientific term, say cannabis.

  4. Did this info need to be told? lol kinda common sense if you know anything about bud, I mean don't quote me, but there are 2 real strains #1 "Sativa" is the "Everything is funny" lazy, relaxed, strong heavy body high & #2 "Indica" is the active out of your seat moving, working, talking heavy head high with raised heart rate & stimulant effect, and then cbd is just cbd, its in its own bracket & has some positive outcomes without any high other then maybe a tiny bit relaxed, hope this helps some lol.

  5. Please share this with the youngsters out there thinking marihuana aka weed is better( buying on the streets)
    Damaging their brains 🧠
    Why so many mental health issues🤔
    Thanks, Dr. Marks 💪🏾👍🏽

  6. Quick question! If the effects of marijuana depend on which cannabinoid receptor it hits, does that explain why people get different effects from weed? Like how some people feel paranoid and marijuana mellows some people out. Thanks!

  7. So many things we don't understand about weed. For some people that poly drug, the next time it will mimic the effects of the other drug. While most people just wither away on the couch wondering why everything is so funny, it can turn some people manic with massive energy and endurance. Paradoxical reactions. Thanx doc 👍

  8. I take this to ease anxiety of all kinds, but I recognize the trade off is I'm lazier. Is there anything you can recommend that might help anxiety as well as thc does, but not make you so tired?

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