What We DO and DON'T Know About Vaping

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  1. Anything used often which releases reward molecules will end up being a habit. You have to accept and work at giving up a habit hence why you need to be careful on what you replace it with. Sucks but is worth it.

  2. It was like kinda proven people on the black martlet were cutting the thc with vitamin E and it was the sole issue of this, was proven and sense then haven’t had that kinda issue, not tryna be a dick but there were multiple studies done to prove that.

  3. My lungs hurt. I quit vaping last week. I smoked cigarettes for 10 years then vaped for 3 years. They are both horrible in my opinion. Nicotine addiction sucks. You can quit! Hasnt been a walk in the park but wow I feel so much better and that is keeping me motivated 😄

  4. Here is a story I'd like to share with you. Read in full before you comment on how long it is. It is practically the same as watching a video, but you have to do what a lot of people don't like to do these days… Read. Keep this in mind. The "world" of vaping has different standards per region of the world with quality, ingredients and integrity of the product. What happened in late 2018, I believe, was a result of minors getting their hands on cartridges that were either bootlegged or from unknown sources. Many of those cases were involved with THC vapes that was not manufactured from a reputable source. As for JUUL, one mother actually admitted that she bought her 15 year old daughter a JUUL because she developed a smoking habit. I'll leave that one alone. At that time, those illnesses and deaths were the tobacco industry's hallelujah as politicians seized the opportunity to make up claims about vaping, but know nothing but what they were scripted to say by lobbyists. It was also just something they had to fight over. Once guy got on CNN and told us that he walked down the toy isle and saw bubble gum flavored e-cigarettes. That was completely outlandish! The truth of the matter is that no one has anything on vaping. I will say that vaping dose have potential for something, but no one has concrete evidence of it's life threatening effects on the body let alone what the potential is. I've been vaping since 2007 when it debuted as those flimsy devices that looked like cigarettes called N-Joy. As time passed, Mods were born with tanks that required ejuice. Then thet evolved into bigger devices and bigger tanks which kept evolving into what we have today with in addition, disposables which can taste great, but a waste of money in a long run. For 10 years up to that fiasco in 2018, I never had a problem. In fact, I was able to smell, taste and breathe better. During that time, I still vaped and watched all those events unfold… Events that mostly involved minors! In 2023, I still vape and no problems. With all this being said, vaping is a choice, just like cigarettes. Cigarettes have been an all time factor in deaths every year for over a century. As everyone knows, the only ones who had a problem with vaping is the tobacco companies. In 2012, they themselves complained of a decline in sales and had to raise the cost of cigarettes to make up for production cost. They hated seeing people in public blowing big clouds from their devices. Here is whats interesting. JUUL and Vuse are owned by tobacco companies. JUUL is an LLC through the company that is responsible for Benson and Hedges and Vuse is directly owned by RJ Reynolds, the biggest tobacco manufacturer in the World. They are also the ones who are responsible for every anti-vaping commercials we've seen like the ones with those puppets most notable. With that said, there is a conspiracy involved that leads up to controversial post like this. Its as simple as this… They don't want us vaping. They want us smoking. Now we have more and more states involved with legalizing marijuana. I can't wait to see how they will f**k that up, but then again, they should be in support of legalization. Marijuana smokers will tend to crave cigarettes in between. Anyway, like I said… They have nothing on vaping. I am not a fan of THC cartridges though. Personally, I've been vaping since 2007 with a few smoke breaks in between. I am currently vaping straight for the last 5 years. The only problem I will suggest is that some people like I will hit a vaping device similar to chain smoking because vaping don't deliver the same harmful chemicals that relaxes you as a tobacco product dose. With that one being said, chain vaping may cause some harm, but not as much harm as what a tobacco product will do. In theory, the leverage of damage between the two can potentially make both, vaping and cigarettes equally dangerous, but the real world problem is the money that is lost and gained between the two industries, not our health as it is actually prioritized last. I mean, its been like that with cigarettes before vaping and for years, in my opinion, if they really cared about our health so much, they should of deemed tobacco as a controlled substance, but why ruin a billion dollar industry that is responsible for killing an X amount of people per year?. In the end, it is our choice rather if we chose to vape, smoke or stop all together.

  5. Am I the only one who gets short of Brest when they vape? They make me feel worse than cigarettes. Both my closest friends agree with me that it makes them feel worse but everyone else seems to swear otherwise.

  6. Amazingly EVALI appears to be a US issue. The myth of EVALI is that it's a vaping issue. If that was the case why hasn't it been an issue elsewhere, pretty sure that the US isn't the only place that vapes. Could it be because of this 'An investigation found the cases of EVALI were linked to contaminated illegal products. It was not linked to regular or long-term vaping.' Hey but I suppose that doesn't fit the anti vaping narrative. And let's be honest in the US where Tobacco and big pharma benefit from people smoking why would they support vaping as a smoking cessation tool. Then you have the UK where smoking and its effects is a big pressure on the National Health System (where health care is free) who support vaping as a smoking cessation method, state that its 95% safer than smoking. Now it's pretty obvious that putting anything in your lungs isn't 'safe' which is why the aim is to go smoke free in the UK in the next 15 years or so….because smoking is far worse.

  7. Smoking pork in a BBQ pit and freebasing crack are both "smoking". Vaping vitamin e + THC and flavored nicotine liquids in a pod system may both be "vaping", but the language is an incredibly damaging false framework for any constructive harm-reduction device like a cigarette cessation tool. If 94% of the crisis, one that led to a nationwide legislative witch hunt that devastated an industry and drove millions of teens and other smokers back to carcinogenic combustion of tobacco, was found to be caused by prohibition laws on THC products in non-rec states giving rise to a dangerous blackmarket…isn't there an ethical responsibility to clarify on channels like this who propagated false equivalence? The vaping legislation introduced a few years ago was marred with misinformation and on-balance a huge step back for public good, and prohibition always gives rise to blackmarkets which inherently are unable to be regulated. The net gain from the scare was for big tobacco and big pharma…who incidentally funded so much of the PR tsunami.

  8. Vaping is commonplace. With the rise of technology, people are now relying on more advanced ways of carrying out their daily activities. The smoke goes directly into your lung cavity, and in the process it starts to rot your breathing system. Then the following day you'd find yourself holding onto life support until the rest of your oxygen supply is depleted. It's fucked up the more you think about stuff like this that gets into your brain 24/7.

  9. Vaping let me quit a thirty year, pack and a half a day, cigarette habit. There are worse dangers for your health lurking down the isles of your grocery store, the candy and snack isle alone is probably the third biggest cause of death in America.

  10. Answer: take nicotine tablets with a doctor's permission! If you don't want to take anything to your lungs, then why don't you just take the needed material itself! Idk I am not a doctor and I do not know but are people even talking about it?!

  11. Can we just admit that vaping nicotine is a definitive form of ‘harm reduction’ vs smoking cigarettes????

    Call it EVALI now but it was death from respiratory arrest- blamed on vape juice. Health and government officials didn’t distinguish or follow-up that all those ‘popcorn lung’ deaths were due to dabbing THC. My mindless Governor outlawed all flavored vape juice. The vape juice outlawed was NOT the juul or other cheap crap, it was the relatively expensive vape juices. The media never explained why those sudden respiratory arrests and deaths just ‘stopped’. Nor did they state that it wasn’t from the vape juice that was outlawed…and remains so today.

    Also, the blonde girl looks like she’s in fentanyl withdrawn or needing a crack rock…ive not seen anyone jones for nicotine like that. Cmon. NRT does not show great success either. “Hey teacher leave those vapes alone” in adults!

  12. I have to thank this amazing human being /doctor for this wonderful review, whenever I feel persuaded to buy vape products and begin my own smoking phase this video gives me all the reminders why I shouldn't.

  13. I have to say, you are far more fair than most and clearly your not in the pocket of big tobacco! That is refreshing!! I could counter many of the things that you are saying, but quite frankly I am just happy to see some ungreased advice coming from research and not agenda! Thanks for your effort!

  14. Nearly 20 years in and were still on the "Long term effects of vaping being unknown"? Sir, the air you breath in the city is worse for you then vaping! Get your vape products from reputable sources and stop the propaganda, millions are still dying from cigarettes, that we know! Don't feed the death machine!!

  15. I don't vape or smoke, but I do find your videos interesting. I have had tinnitus since 73 operating heavy equipment. I wish you would make a video about tinnitus. What exactly it is and can it be cured or lessened.

  16. "Could vaping be used to help people quit smoking? Well, there are some studies that say it could."

    Studies? There are countless success stories. Easily in the tens of millions or more. It's so effective that even the UK officially lists it as a smoking cessation method. You know, a country with true, single-payer healthcare. A country wherein people's health is directly tied to the financial well being of the government.

    The Royal College of Physicians concluded that vaping is 97% less harmfup than smoking. The American Cancer Society agreed. Not sure why you're claiming medical professionals aren't ready to sign off on vaping as smoking cessation, when them doing so is the reason the UK moved forward with said classification.

    The reason the US is so against it, is because the real power here is bored, middle class, housewives. They rally to "protect the children!" and everyone else falls in line. It doesn't matter to them that California's various vape bans have caused an increase in youth smoking for the first time in 20 years. No, no. What matters is "Think of the children!" without actually outting any thought into anything, at all.

  17. Thank you for this correctional and properly informed level video.

    As far as THC – what would be the difference between smoking THC (from the cannabis plant) and vaping THC? Don't both go into the lungs?

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