Body Talk, Ascension Symptoms, 5D Pregnancy with Sherri Divband

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  1. Sherri, everyone is different. I do sit in my room and channel info for the world and my own highest good. I'm not doing it to be "popular." A little offended by that remark. We all have a purpose.

  2. This is crazy yet enlightening. I was fit etc and boom. Huge like gained weight etc and not food related. Mom was like you are huge. This was like 7 years ago. Then boom. I lost weight. No diet change or exercise impacted it at all. I never had Earth kids. I was upgraded and healed from pain and illness after too. Wild.

  3. yes, its hard at the moment, I'm finding it difficult to be around other people right now, so much confusion and unresolved trauma, I'm picking up so much from others and finding it difficult to realign .

  4. Omg thank u so much for saying this I've literally been dealing with this for the last 2 yrs my stomach will literally look like I'm pregnant and I have always been a small person I'm like wtf is going on then this came to me I'm like woah!!!

  5. Something cute I saw on a kid show on Netflix. It's called kid cosmic and it's surprisingly spiritual for a show. Long story short the kid is upset about something so he gets into the meditation pose and closes his eyes and starts chanting "freakin out? Breathe it out" so sometimes if my kids are upset, that's what they will start doing. Another good tool I use is music. If I'm angry or upset I put on a few songs that go with the emotion at the time and just sing it out lol. It really helps me alot.

  6. When you said that you had started to send love to different parts of your body, I was gobsmacked.
    I literally tried this, yesterday morning! I had been feeling a bit down and this was the synchroniscity that I needed. I've also been trying to find a spiritual cause/solution for my ailments, for my whole journey.
    I'm going to give some of Sherri's video's a watch.

    Also, I could sense the emotion you had when you were talking about the 5D pregnancy.
    It's an incredible thing that your soul has chosen for you and I really do hope that you're okay! ❀ x

  7. Very interesting what Sherri is saying about the left verses right side! I've just tuned in…. on my left side, I started dealing with issues with my eye: severe issues where I lost my sight due to a damaged cornea (shingles) in 2015. Ive since has 2 cornea transplant surgeries and the first surgery didn't work – I had donor tissue rejection. The second surgery while successful, it's been a year and a half of healing afterwards so far…not easiest. lol
    I started to develop cataracts (I'm only 41)… so I took myself off all medications the ophthalmologist had me on, and I even stopped my monthly check ups with the doctor (because he suggested another surgery, this time for cataracts; placing a synthetic lens in the eye, which HELL to the NO.. I don't want that!)…. interestingly, I have been clearing the cataracts myself with fruit juices, essential oils, the power of thought/belief and I'm not really sure what else….. it's been 8 years…coming into 9 years as of March 2024… I'm so curious to know what in another timeline/galactic side, did I go though that this has all been happening. Very interesting!! I also have left hip pain that doesn't seem to be for any rhyme or reason. Doctor's told me I have extra bone growth there…I got a cortisol shot ONCE and never again!!! I've been just trying to move more (walking), got barefoot shoes to help…and I'm starting back to yoga literally today/tomorrow to help with the energy flow, muscles/tendons/ligaments, etc.
    I don't know where I can learn more about my "past lives" to figure out how to clear this stuff, but I'd love to figure this out once and for all so I can move on.

  8. Fascinating, I've felt this my whole life especially as a child. A disconnect "the physicality is not matching the energetic vibration of the person." I wonder if ADD or ADHD may be connected, where the corporate Archons of the world (Big Pharma) through drugs and try and shut down our vibration to make the high vibrational kids more physical and zombiefied. Its how riddlen made me feel in the 90's. But the higher your vibration, can destroy all matter πŸ˜…

  9. Hi Lily
    This was a great interview with Sherri.
    Got to learn a lot, thank you for sharing different techniques to release trapped energies and emotions with techniques like EFT tapping, love the breathing exercise which I will give it go for sure.
    Wow!!! Interesting stuff regarding the 5D pregnancies
    Wonder what symptoms guys get …😳
    Thank you Lily you doing a great deed by doing all this activations and talks and bringing a great deal of awareness to the community that you have created.
    I am super proud of you and am glad to be part of this community πŸ™πŸ˜‡
    Sending you lots of love and infinite blessings πŸŒˆπŸ’•πŸ™Œ

  10. Great answers to questions I had ❀️ a week and a half ago I was standing up and leaned forward to pick something up. Had a cracking sound in my back. Next day when I woke up I had pain across my lower back that travelled into my left hip and around to my lower left abdomen. My joints in my body felt all loose and wobbly and were making cracking noises. Had bad pain for a week with difficulty even lifting anything light. It has slowly gone away. I had no idea why it had happened because I’ve never had any problems like that before. This makes so much sense to me. This is one topic I will be listening to again and researching further.

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