Boom in use of medical cannabis in Australia ๐ŸŒฟโš• | Landline | ABC Australia

There’s a boom in the use of pharmaceutical cannabis in Australia. More than a million prescriptions have been filled since …


  1. I do security on a very large organic commercial cannabis farm in NM. As someone who's tried it but doesn't use it while working on a recreational farm i think it's insane that Australia doesn't even have medical cannabis legalized.

  2. Should never have been made illegal. The Australian government needs to legalise and decriminalise cannabis now itโ€™s way overdue ๐Ÿ‘ should be used in all aged care facilities, hospitals and palliative care now to help reduce so much suffering ๐Ÿ‘

  3. medical is terrible i had to go back to the street . this is so wrong.. how are you not profitable? we are paying top dollar for 10gs we pay 130 wtf i can get cheaper on the street its better helps me deal with pain and happy and actually work. the doctors are wrong for this and they know it. its disgusting

  4. 'medical cannabis' is oxymoronic when all cannabis contains medicinal properties

    and as a NZ 'legal medical cannabis' user i think its a travesty that i can legally consume governments cannabis for $440 for 30g, but cant grow and consume my own legally??

    How is that morally right?
    It seems more like discrimination, corruption and BS to me

  5. Why cannabis makes you floated??
    Cannabis increases your social anxiety by thinking that you might get talked as a criminal in other places. Thus makes you mentally ill.

    That's why avoid cannabis its increases your social anxiety and majority of jobs in other countries need negativity on illegal drug especially this one.

    Cannabis has no growth in life.

  6. This is the dam-breaker we need. The government will hopefully finally see 2 things advocates have been advocating for years:

    1. Cannabis is far safer than alcohol and most other recreational drugs. It is non-addictive, non-toxic, has mild-moderate withdrawal symptoms even when when "abused", and is actually used to support people coming off addiction to far more dangerous and damaging "legal" drugs, like opiates and benzodiazepines.

    2. A taxed, regulated industry will take money out of the hands of outlaw criminal syndicates and put it into the hands of state and territory governments who can then reroute it into services like public hospitals and public infrastructure (schools, roads etc).

    We are on the cusp of a green rush, a once-in-a-generation transformation. Please don't botch this, Australia.

  7. Just legalize it and anyone can grow there ownโ€ฆthey just turn everything into a business..its all about making moneyโ€ฆyou cant patent a can try to control all you wantโ€ฆdoesnโ€™t work โ€ฆ

  8. Medicinal my ass
    The government is just muscling in on the drug trade …. they use the word medicinal so to gain the trust of the general public … tobacco sales down so cash in on weed

  9. It's life changing product and environmentally friend option – Have been saying for 30 years HEMP farming is the way to go and now medical cannabis is changing the game… nobody talks about the long term damage and issues many opioid and other pharmaceutical medications cause to the body, organs and mental health – not to mention – big pharma don't want you to get better, it generates $$$$ off keeping people dependent.

  10. I am now able to hold down a job dew to now getting proper amounts of sleep and my anxiety has been at an all time low in last 16 years because of medical cannabis…thank you to guys like this who work hard to get it right ๐Ÿ‘

  11. You guys should legalize it. Here in Canada nothing negative has happened society wise because of it. You use it if you want to, if not you don't. Just like alcohol.

    Marijuana is a medicine. I use it for anxiety.

  12. Its disgusting that the regulations are still driving up the costs my partner benefits from the cbd oil to manage pain but its $250 a month to get. you can get it from black market cheaper than that.

  13. I have struggled with mental illness and my mental health since I was a kid. Before I even knew what those terms were. After years of depression, anxiety, and even an attempt to take my life, I never thought I would be able to live without psych medications. I clung to them because it was the only thing that made my mind quiet, but it also made me a zombie. Microdosing has given me control of my mental health for the first time, and they essentially gave me my life back.

  14. It was legalized and regulated. I can already tell you, Australia would be swimming in Green. No pun intended.

    I mean come on you would have millions of tourists coming in spending money on a lot of things on hotels on stores on gift shops, and tourism anything just to get a hand on some ganja you would have tourists from southeast Asia, China, South Korea, Japan, and many more you would be swimming in cash. Plus I know Australians like to drink and let me tell you from what Iโ€™ve seen beer does great with weed.

  15. It's illegal for us it's illegal for the government,
    If its healthy and non toxic the excuses have run out , terminally ill people are paying for it and the government are Profiting from the production and sale of it , meaning the government and pharmaceutical companies are now the dealers .
    And we should be able to grow our own and sell it not work for some pharmaceutical company

  16. Thanks LandLine for helping to renormalise this amazing plant ๐ŸŒฟ
    Enough is enough just legalise this medicine! We shouldnโ€™t have to go though the system to heal ourselves. Especially when alcohol is literally poison to ingest, highly addictive & is readily available. Make it make sense!!!

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