CBD and THC together?

Most people are well aware that THC when consumed in excess amounts leads to a high – a psychoactive effect. And most people …


  1. I am on my 4th meningioma and use medical cannabis with cbd for my headaches. I used to catch a head buzz but no longer do I don't know why? I also buy delta 9 from the vape shop and it has 10 mg of thc that seems to work better than what I get at the dispensary I don't know what to do. I know cbd can be toxic for your liver any ideas that may help? Thank you

  2. Hi please tell me which would be better for moderate to severe neuropathy.
    Sub ling or caps & what proportion of THC / CBD. I’m just starting out & have been getting b12 injections for 2 years that have helped . I’m 92 & quite healthy. Thank you I’m encouraged. Calgary

  3. Alright I'm just going to come out and say it I believe this doctor is misinformed on this particular question CBD and THC combined it can extremely heighten the high rather than just having high THC when you combine the 2 your heart rate actually goes significantly higher which can Give you the sensation of panic if you're not prepared or comfortable it can also knock you out quicker no matter the location

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