1. Unfortunately, Marijuana is still a federal Schedule 1 drug, so it is illegal no matter what the state does. I have 4th Stage Esophageal cancer and Multiple Myeloma, which have gone in and out of remission for years. However, I am in a lot of pain, for which my pain management doctor prescribes oxycodone. I would like to try Medical Marijuana to help reduce my oxycodone usage, however my doctor won't prescribe it because of federal law. He doesn't want to risk losing his license. Also, I have random drug testing and if THC turned up it would be reported to drug enforcement.

    So the very first thing that needs to happen is to remove Marijuana from federal drug scheduling, whatever happens locally in Georgia.

  2. Such a joke. We've been waiting for what feels like forever just get to lotion. Thanks for the bare minimum Georgia. If you need pot dont wait for the state of Georgia to help just find a dealer. It's easier than going through all the bullshit of getting a card.

  3. Good first step. – Now make the big leap to justice and freedom and COMPLETELY end the fraudulently enacted cannabis prohibition as the 22 Free States and D.C. have already done!

  4. If we legalize prescription medication and tax it at 100% for recreational use we would have 21 trillion dollars a year in new revenue that could fund Universal basic income of $1,000 per week per person guaranteed towards rent and utilities thereby ending homelessness in America forever.

    And we would end the war on drugs and reduce gang violence and illegal immigration and crime

    And overdoses would be extremely rare

    And we would save another 8 trillion not having to respond to overdose calls and fighting the war on drugs and that 8 trillion would fund medicare-for-all at 100% in combination with eliminating the need for food stamps Section 8 welfare and Medicaid

    10 years ago a bipartisan commission in Congress looked at doing exactly this and they had a solid plan but the Cartels forbid Congress from legalizing prescription medicine.

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