Hidden Dangers: Middle School Student Ingests Marijuana Edible Mistaken for Candy

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  1. Didn't know my arse! I don't care who you are now one just hands out weed treats to all their friends let alone without even telling them unless the kid was playing some kind of prank on him but the thing with that is that I highly doubt his friend would have pranked him knowingly how much of a square he was cause he would have known he would be getting in trouble once it hit cause squares snitch faster than you can blink and that's a fact. So point is that the kid knew exactly what was in it but it was probably his first time trying it and didn't know how hard it would hit him so in an effort to cover his arse he just played stupid! I'm not falling for it but obviously his mom did lol which is why parents these days are so clueless! I've seen kids lie to their parents about the dumbest crap and not only that but the lie they told was so out there it almost sounds like a fairy tale yet these people want to believe their kids are so innocent that the believe what ever they tell them and that's exactly why your kids are going to grow up to be losers cause you just let them get away with murder!

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