1. Day 9 and there are definitely physical symptoms and nightmares. Now that I've stopped after all these years the hurt child inside of me is bursting out in tears and i can barley breath.
    So much pain inside
    that it can reach the stars,
    I wish I could run from myself
    but everywhere you go there you are.
    Face your giants because you stronger than you know..peace to all of you πŸ€™

  2. I quitted from everyday smoking to none in a heartbeat. Changed my life for the better, 8 years of doing nothing was enough. Failed my first business because of it and it really sobered me up for good.

  3. Smoked for 11 years then decided to quit. The withdrawl symptomps very much included physical symptomps. This guy doesnt know shit, i would not seek his services. No week for about 10 years now but it was really hard to quit. Thank God I am free.

  4. I usually dont do this but can i get some advice from anybody that has experienced going through doctors red flagging you because you used to do drugs hard drugs and they look at you like your an addict but to simply put it i have severe ptsd i wasnt in the military ive just seen alot of shit but how do you get xanax prescribed to you because the only reason i even told her that i had all these problems in the past is so that she would trust me to make a decision on my behalf because i could have easily just taken a detox and came in there said ive never done drugs and that i have severe anxiety she even asked me if i wanted xanax and i said no at that time because i was coming off other drugs and it lowkey makes me just wanna buy a shitload of hulks and footballs and just throw it at her to show i wanna do it the legal way because im hurting bad deep inside even tho i dont show it and i know its not normal to feel the way i feel idk man

  5. Stop listening to dumb people who try to support the THC use. I'm 21 and I was smoking since 15, i missed so many opportunities until now, i fucked up my brain, I couldn't focus, think probably, do activities, i was depressed when i wasn't smoking, anxious, didn't have any courage to try anything, stopped working, started stealing and smoking 8*9 joints a day. Now i work, i got a new car, I'm better. I had the chance to experience the withdrawal and i got scared, Swating, stomach pain, mucus, bad sleep or no sleep, you can't really eat anymore, i lost weight… i never understand what caused my mood to be like that, i always acused my family for everything.

  6. Seeing how many burned ass brains are in the comments, makes me more proud that I quit smoking weed and tabacco. I also didn't want to know what weed causes to my brain and body and what I should expect after I quit, but here I am… In the 3 week feeling half dead but seeing that everything is slowly getting better.

  7. Physical withdrawals depend on how much weed you consume. If you have a joint occasionally then there won't be any withdrawal symptons. If you use weed a lot then stopping suddenly usually causes physical symptoms. I usually get insomnia, nausea, I sweat a lot and get headaches.

  8. Today is my last day. There was a time when I had to quit cold turkey when i lived alone without my kids and wife. That was a nightmare, LITERALLY. Im a hardcore smoker and have been for 12 straight years everyday. This time around I have my kids and wife and a newborn and quitting cold turkey again for a good career, won’t be so hard this time around. Its all mental .

  9. I took benzos for 6 years every day and they were way easier to quit for me than smoking weed. The activity of smoking in itself is highly addicting and since I won’t smoke cigs anymore weed is hard to avoid but trying to quit.

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