How These Women Are Healing Trauma With Cannabis | NowThis

‘I almost felt an overwhelming sense of peace.’ — Pro-cannabis organization This Is Jane Project is helping women heal after …


  1. I went through tons of childhood trauma that I suffered through for a very long time. And I used my THC panic attacks and forced myself to have "bad trips" to process those emotions and anxiety to be honest

  2. Black ppl have been using it since the beginning of time for physical and mental abuse that we continue to deal with on the daily bases I guess white ppl discovered this like they discovered America after they locked my dad up for 10 years for it
    It’s exhausting being black in this white mans world

  3. This is intriguing, for someone that generally hates smoking. The idea of it and even my partner smoking. But i'd like a safe space to share my trauma. I hate talking about it, it's so sad and even typing that gets me teary. Good luck with this project

  4. I had a fall three years ago that messed me up pretty good, I fractured my right eye socket over to my nose and down to my mouth, I broke my shoulder and dislocated my left leg. I also received a traumatic brain injury. I refused to take pain medicine during recovery and post surgeries because I’ve been able to use cannabis in place of opioid pain pills. I’m proud for myself yet I’m a criminal in the governments eyes. I just do t understand.

  5. I can speak from experience, cannabis does help reduce the effects of trauma, however it only really masks the symptoms. Healing trauma is done by seeing a good therapist, talking openly in safe and respectful group settings, practicing yoga and good hygiene, serving others less fortunate, and allowing yourself time to meditate often on your feelings.

  6. I don't object to them starting their process of healing with cannabis; if they were under a mental health professional they might be prescribed certain drugs to accommodate stress. However one does have to be prepared to wean oneself from the crutch… what do they do when the police raid their gathering?

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