How to Get a Medical Cannabis Card in UTAH

Getting a Cannabis Card in Utah is a little different than getting one in other states. Unlike those states, you have to see a doctor in …


  1. I hurt my back about a year ago moveing a couch the doctor gave me some muscle relaxers I hated them. Im pretty sure I pinched a nerve my back hasn't been the same since I'm wondering if this is the better option for me to go through. I've heard a lot about it helping people with their anxiety and I'm hoping it might help me with some of my social anxiety to get me more comfortable talking with people.

  2. Dude – don't take this the wrong way (seriously, I'm no troll), but friend, you have a pair of seriously bad-ass Vulcan eyebrows.
    P.S. – I would love to interview you if you're up for it. I'm ramping up for season 2 of my podcast.

  3. by the time you are through you end up paying $500 just to get card

    then if you are lucky you might find a vendor

    then you can pay an outrageous price for prescription

    check out the costs on the internet

    by the way
    they can take your money
    and deny you a card

    it's all done with a smile

  4. I went and got mine for pain and epilepsy, when i got it its just a sheet of paper i print out, my doctor was on the list online of quallified medical providers but it still seems fishy to me, it makes me worried to even walk into the store with the card but you just said the paper was the card, will i ever get like a laminated card or anything?

  5. had a card in oregon , STILL have a current card in Az but utah… hell no… theocracys suck, and NO reciprocity for cards from other states so as long as I stay here no meds

  6. if i have extreme panic attacks like 10 hr ones plus ptsd plus two torn rotator cuffs and bolged disk in my back think i would get a card pills are not a option either i was taking Paxil for panic attacks and finally stop taking pills the ride down was the worth thing i ever experienced i would like to try it thanks for your time

  7. $500 -$800 for a sterilized screw to put in your leg, $3,000 for the operation room, $900 (while in excrutiating pain or near death) to PRESCRIBE antibiotics NOT EVEN pain killers. My sister was a pharmacologist $500 for a pill because people need it. The clean bright exterior of an incredibly disgusting industry. Now that plant that grows naturally that you dont need to have put into a syringe or a pill you can pay top dollar for too. Dont worry though your insurance will make sure the cycle continues until your next boston tea party

  8. This is really helpful and I want to try it for my nerve pain. Over the counter stuff doesn't work for me, and I don't wanna try opiates because those & alcohol are a big issues in my family.

  9. Don’t you have to be terminally ill? You have to be actually about to die to get cannabis. Someone who would like to treat a mental or emotional problem is completely out of luck. Either your, dying or you can’t get the help you need in utah.

  10. I have severe IBS that comes with constant nasuea. I've had several appointments with a Gastroenterologist and have tried a few medications that weren't helpful. Would he be able to recommend medical marijuana for me? Or do I need to search for a new doctor? Thanks for the video, it was helpful.

  11. What about ptsd? Not sure if this is the right place to even ask. I've heard that medical cannabis could be prescribed for this but now I do not see this as an option recently?

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