How to Make Rick Simpson Oil (RSO Recipe) | BAO After Work

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a high potency cannabis extract with high levels of THC, along with other cannabinoids.


  1. RSO???My friends were importing this into the UK from Morocco in the early eighties.I have no idea how long they've been extracting with alcohol and where they got the idea.I believe the Afghans taught the Moroccans the Cannabis trade.I must check that.He obviously got the idea from seeing it somewhere so calling it his oil is sounds moronic.

  2. 100% 200 proof that's funny you only get to 96% from distillation. Would recommend a better understanding of physics and chemistry before making content like this. So you don't end up looking illiterate like this one.

  3. I like using higher ratio of alcohol to cannabis ratio, 16 to 1 is the ratio I've seen in a research into the topic talking about ideal ratios for commercial settings. Only issue with this at home is the prohibitive cost of alcohol. In order to counter act this i do my cannabis in 1-2 oz washes, and then keep washing each batch with that same 16-32oz of alcohol till all of it is washed. I just add a bit of fresh ethanol in between the washes to make sure I'm going into each fresh batch with the desired 16-32oz of ethanol solution.

    Other tip I have is I don't do long washes as they lead to higher concentrations of chlorophyll. It'll even pull a good bit of lipids, fats, and waxes unless done at supercritical temps, which is not viable for at-home production. To counter act that, each batch of cannabis only gets a 5-10min wash cycle. Again which is the length of time this study on commercial ethanol extraction found the highest yields without significant diminishing returns on the time investment. Ethanol strips 90% of goodies within just a minute or two and at the 10 min mark yields returned into the 90-93% range in that experiment. Even after just one minute a solid 80-85%+ is extracted, which is the reason teks like quick wash ethanol work so well for at-home use. This 5-10minute timeframe falls somewhere between traditional RSO teks and golden dragon tincture teks, to create a much cleaner better tasting RSO with less chlorophyll, and fat/wax/lipid gunk that won't need to be winterized out in an additional step.

    Temperature of the extraction is also key if the goal is to preserve more terpenes, which in a commercial setting is the biggest factor besides extraction time that separates the un-dab-able RSO and a fully dab-able FECO type product. Both are just ethanol based extractions, very few still use things like naphtha, which I often here incorrectly attributed to the difference between the two. Naphtha was simply a cheap solvent used when the recipe was originally developed for home use back when food grade ethanol was even harder to come by and relatively more expensive. That's the only benefit which it no longer provides, especially for us at-home extractors.

  4. I have stomach cancer now. Drs are keeo8ng it from me because I'm Indigenous. But when you know, you know. I need this. I got the Phoenix Tears but it doesn't do what I need it to do. I need a thinker and darker consistency. I need help. Can somebody send me some real RSO. I'm in Chinada, Canada 🇨🇦 Williams Lake B.C.

  5. No, do not use grain alcohol, it allows the absorption of water solubles ruining the oil. I’ve been successfully treating cancer patients with RSO for several years starting with myself

  6. I like to cook my oil at 185°F at the highest. If it's turning red you are converting your THC to CBN and negating part of your medicinal properties. Canabinoids begin to cook off around this temp. CBN will make you sleep but you really won't get high. The most famous case I know of someone doing this was Shonda Banda with her little fishbowl contraption. I can't believe Kansas went so hard on her for a small amount of shitty oil lol.

  7. leave the filtered tincture in light for 24 hours and it will remove all the green chlorophyll out of the mix, things end up a nice brown and if you cook with the end product it tastes so much nicer. at the end I would mix in a few sticks of butter and bake with it, but you can coat sugar in a strong tincture and let it evaporate the alcohol away, or i like to mix it into honey with a little of the alcohol left and boil away the excess alcohol slowly

  8. I can't believe that's all you get from that much weed, how is it so cheap at some medical dispensaries? I bought RSO from the dispo and I barely felt it. And used 8x the recommended dose. Yrs ago I had syringes of Phoenix tears, I should've saved them for future use.

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