How To Stop Using Cannabis: The Steps I Use To Help My Patients Quit | Dr. Daniel Amen

Dr. Daniel Amen tells us how cannabis prematurely ages the brain. Want to schedule a visit? Our highly trained specialists can …


  1. I quit the Monday following thanksgiving. At 30 yo, I have been a regular smoker since 14. I use shrooms to help and my mental clarity, energy, appetite, and sleep have all improved dramatically

  2. Weed is a very interesting drug and I guess it effects different people in different ways. I always like to hear other people's perspective on this drug, especially hearing advice and comments from professionals. I have been smoking weed since my teen years and I am now 67. It probably has affected my brain but then again, I am not sure if it has or not. or to what extent. I do not smoke it every day and I can go weeks or longer without smoking it and I have zero craving for it. In fact, there are times I have zero desire to smoke it, but in the right environment I just love smoking weed. I have the most intense workouts and I am very in tune with my body, it gives me a ferocious appetite and it's a great aphrodisiac. I do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes and eat healthy I have no other vices in life. I am sure it's not good for me but I have no desire or intentions of quitting, there are times I look forward to enjoying and plan my recreation time around it and I am not sure if that is an addiction element to it or not. If I smoked it every day and had a craving for it think I would look at thing differently.

  3. I consume a lot of cannabis and I spend a lot on it. I make decent money so it doesnā€™t interfere with bills and responsibilities. But the money I would be saving would be very beneficial for me. So I think itā€™s time I start cutting it out slowly. Today marks day one of cutting back. Wish me luck!

  4. It is frustrating for me how delusional people are with weed. I understand developing a ptoblem with it. Having a problem is one thing. Having an obvious problem that you see as a good thing on the other hand is so frustrating to me. Common sense tells you that getting high everyday is problematic.

    Even if thc was good for you, most people smoke it and it clearly isnt good for the lungs.

  5. Iā€™m scared ā€¦I know Iā€™m addicted, but every time I stop ,I get frustrated more easily and think irrationally , sometimes take anger out on folks or whatever and I donā€™t mean itā€¦so itā€™s more easier just to snoop dogg itšŸ™ƒ

  6. I quit cold turkey two days ago and feel like Iā€™m dyingā€¦ maybe I should taper myself off or something? I need some guidance. I woke up today after feeling sick yesterday (basically ruined my own thanksgiving) and I thought I was going into a cute Organ failure šŸ˜…
    Side effects of quitting are No jokeā€¦

  7. Im quitting on my 3rd day the weed today has way too many chemicals and a negative effect on the body if over used ā€¦. And very addictive had stomach pains , chest pains and a weak body with no sense of appetite I say itā€™s very important to know how to use something in moderation šŸ˜Š

  8. Ugggggg šŸ˜¢ I smoked a little bit as a teen, quit for 30 years, then hit menopause and cannot sleep! I don't like putting any kind of smoke into my lungs, so I take sugar-free THC/CBD oil at bedtime. I work with dementia patients and am not in any hurry to join them. But how will I sleep now??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  9. Best thing I ever did was quit smoking weed. I was an excessive, compulsive smoker for the better part of 15 years. I finally had enough and just quit. It will be a year on May 15th. Anyone can do it.

  10. Why does some people show me peer reviews and other doctors doing lectures saying that we have the cannabinoid receptors in our brain and that itā€™s really good for and It can help with cancer patients etc.ā“ā“šŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ

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