Jim Cornette on Bryan Danielson's Injuries & When To Step In As A Booker If Someone Is Often Injured

From Episode 512 of the Jim Cornette Experience Artwork by Travis Heckel! Send in your question for the Drive-Thru to: …


  1. it’s crazy when we could’ve never found out about Bryan hiding seizures from WWE if Brie never said anything. If he came back out of retirement and had a horrible seizure/health issue , everyone would’ve blamed WWE even though Bryan was lying to them.

  2. There's a side to professional wrestling that some of you just don't know. I've had a promoter shoot down a spot that involved one wrestler putting another in a standing fireman's carry and ramming their head into the padded turnbuckle on the basis that that the taker was an idiot who would somehow end up hurt by it. I've seen a promoter shoot down a wrestler's boots and tell him to get "safer" ones before wrestling a match.

  3. He's been thinking he's some kind of tough guy by coming back early from serious injuries for the last 20+ years when he was in Ring Of Honor, let him carry on until he cripples himself, he's a grown man, let him do whatever he wants and then drop him when he can't stop drooling on himself

  4. Bryan Danielson regressed…When he first came back from retirement he worked a safer style and focused more on character work as he had a great run as a heel champion largely based on that…In AEW he has gone back to wrestling like he did in the indies despite having more injuries and being signficantly older

  5. To me they are learning the wrong lessons from watching the Japanese tape trading days. Jushin liger had to adjust and change his style as the wear and tear on his knees/back/neck built up, in the long run it helped him he had a longer career.

  6. Aew fans only care about the car crashes. They don’t care who does the insane stunts, they just want the insane stunts. They were chanting for fire. They want to see guys and gals get hurt and bleed.
    They don’t care about the wrestlers personalities or health. They want the carnage. They want the furniture. They want barbed wire. They want blood drinking. They don’t care about wrestling. They want real violence.

  7. Honestly I think wrestling fans are desensitized to how extreme/violent spots and moves are nowadays. Idk, it’s how I imagine if you just watched HD porn all the time, the real stuff doesn’t faze you. I think fans need a cleanse and wrestling promotions need to dial it back. But it was a race to the bottom of people missing the point of wrestling and now it’s cheap pops and spots all while destroying your body for something that is going to be forgotten in 3 seconds. I’ll go be an old man and yell at a cloud now.

  8. A prime example of a wrestler changing their style after an injury would be Steve Austin. Early 90's Austin was a totally different wrestler than what the mega star of the late 90's was. After the knees, elbow (I think), and ultimately the broken neck, he completely changed things up and still had a huge run. Some of these wrestlers won't be satisfied until they or someone else is permantly injured or paralyzed and then wonder how this sort of thing could have happened.

  9. The flippy floppy stuff may have made for more exciting wrestling but at least before they all started doing this risky style I knew I would most likely be seeing my favorites week after week therefore I was invested in them. I can't do that now with most of the "talent" because of the dangerous style that could, and has, end careers instantly.

  10. I see it like this
    AEW caters for a certian type of crowd and they might be ambivalent to wrestlers getting hurt
    they want their high spots and by god they they'll get them
    at the cost of Danielson and others careers

  11. Corny gives the AEW fans too much credit here – there is a far too large a proportion of them who will not worry about the health of the people they are watching, the same group of gormless idiots who thought the blood drinking spot was great

  12. When you look at all the major stars in the history of wrestling.
    They all have one thing in common. They never did crazy spots . And yet they still got over like hell.

  13. I think there's a point where the toothpaste is out of the tube and you can't tone it down because that's now what the fans expect. The average AEW fan would likely find a "toned down" show boring and turn against it. That's why you have to be careful about the expectation you set in the first place.

  14. I've been cringing at Bryan Danielson's wrestling ever since 2018 because of the aforementioned health troubles that led him to retire in the first place. Death in the wrestling ring is something that should NEVER be witnessed on a wrestling show even though we've had a few predecessors already in the history books… 🙏🏾

  15. These guys love shitting on aew and some of what they say is true but I like the hard style and banned wwe moves they do. Thats what got me back into wrestling and even got me watching wwe again since the dawn of the terrible pg era. Aew has been good for the business overall keep up the hardstyle boys

  16. As bad as Vince was. At least the guy cared about you. He wouldn't let you wrestle while injured or having a concussion. Seizures are something serious. That I don't think Tony knows how serious they are. People with seizures can die. They get amnesia. But clearly Tony doesn't care cause he sends Bryan Danielson to wrestle when he can't. There is a reason why Big E hasn't been cleared to get in the ring.

  17. You know, when he got cleared by WWE to wrestle again, that same night on Smackdown, he took an apron bump by Owens and i said to myself why are you taking big bumps like this after being cleared?

  18. The problem is that Bryan Danielson is a sports entertainer and not a professional wrestler. A professional wrestler works a match that is supposed to look like a legitimate contest. We're supposed to think this is a sport. Instead, we're told it's not real by the promoters and the workers when they're breaking kayfabe in interviews. But then when they're "performing," they're giving us some live-action theater rather than a sport.

    So how is Bryan Danielson going to tone it down and make it look a real contest, when he doesn't actually know how to do that and all he's ever done was was theater?

  19. I think about Bret Hart's WWE HOF speech where he said that wrestling Curt Hennig was a night off. Anyway, Bryan was supposed to never wrestle again, and then he had a miraculous return. However, he keeps getting hurt. He's lucky to have even stepped foot in a ring again after 2016, but he's just testing fate at this point.

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