Journey from seizures to 2 yrs seizure free:)

I help people ‘Calm The Storm’ of seizures and their triggers with meditation techniques and falling in love with themselves.

1 Comment

  1. Oh my word, I so resonate with your journey, I actually have tears. I started having non epileptic seizures when I was 6 and they were very infrequent. After my first child I had a couple of really bad ones in my sleep. Then they stopped. Now 11 years later they have come back and they have changed. No more aura and convulsions, now more like a panic attack. They have happened while I'm driving my children to school. Just like you say, that triggers me and makes it worse because the safety of my children is compromised.
    I tried to almost bully myself out of them (the control you speak of) and that is really not working. I am taking homeopathic remedies for the copper toxicity I have at the moment (again electrical storms) and CBD oil. I'm so glad I found your page. It is so comforting hearing that someone has had the same journey. For me it has been isolating. I don't meet alot of people that have seizures and if they do they take medication. That is not an option for me at all.
    I'm also struggling with liver problems now from previous years of other medications.
    Thank you for holding this space and sharing your experience. 🙏

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